Search results

  1. M

    Church of Dodgy

    C-c-c-c-c-c-combo breaker.
  2. M

    Wtf!!!???!! Earthquake In Socal!!!

    I was watching sportscenter.
  3. M

    Xbox 360 - Stranglehold?

    I'm just wondering, is Stranglehold like Halo 3 in the way that if you complete the campaign on a harder difficulty you unlock all the lower difficulties that you have not already completed? E.g. Complete Stranglehold on Hard and you also unlock the Casual and Medium achievements. Thanks.
  4. M

    Bluetooth Adapter Problems?

    Today I bought a Bluetooth Adapter for my computer. I inserted the CD and installed the necessary software like the instructions said. I then plugged the adapter in and turned the Bluetooth on my phone on. I then chose file transfere and selected to send a song to my phone. It did it...
  5. M

    What will be Silverchair's next single?

    I have a feeling it'll either be 'Young Modern Station', 'Those Thieving Birds Part 1 - Strange Behaviour - Those Thieving Birds Part 2' or 'Waiting All Day'. What are your thoughts?
  6. M

    Is there a Korean iTunes???

    Probably, iTunes owns the world. iEarth.
  7. M

    Xbox Live Gamertag.?

    I've just bought some Microsoft Points and I'd like to change my name because when I first got Xbox Live I used one of the randomly generated names. I want something unique this time. What are some good methods of coming up with nicknames? Or are there any suggestions? Thank you.