Search results

  1. O

    what animal...?

    i would have to go with a horse. Imagine how far that could get up your ass. /Mr.Hands
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    Craigs list ho game

    I win
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    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)
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    Anyone Have A Tattoo????

    thanks everyone. ive been applying ointment and i took off the plastic wrap. now is it ok to go to sleep and leave it exposed with ointment?? will it scratch off?? this is my first tat and my friend did it in his room let alone im only 17
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    Would you?

    I remember that one time we smoked some marijuana in your fathers pipe. We then went to the golf course and I thought the green's grass was carpet. :runaway:
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    Sandwich Greatness

    Looks good.
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    easter basket? wtf

    my grandpa got me candy and $20 haha
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    The Buffalo Theory.

    SMRT BEER! :dodgyrun:
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    Alcohol warning for ALL freshers....

    Easly standard, we living in prohibition on wednesdays then? THE BEAR
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    Is anyone working Black Friday?

    im at target too. but i work the floor.
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    Mixing music together?

    alright so i am wondering how people mix music together like they do in cheerleading dances and other dance routines. like theyll begin with a certain song then change to another and so on. also i want it to be a smooth cut off..not like a messed up one. any programs? thanx so much i...
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    do you want to be a celebrity?

    yes and no