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  1. B

    Hilarious thing my friend sent me

  2. B

    How to Kill Annoying Bird

    i forget XD, maybe it has to do with the Finch family?
  3. B

    free swimming lessons from me

    It would hurt so bad to have a boner in that thing
  4. B

    If your blind from birth do you have an imagination?

    what's up man? you didn't get banned for the party thing did you?
  5. B

    WTH Happened to Google?

    I like it better black
  6. B

    my "friend" stole my wallet.

    Okay, so instead of driving somewhere im like, hmmm, its a nice day to go hardcore bike riding, so i ask him to put my wallet in his pocket being how i didnt have any, so we ride to his house and he slips on his bathing suit, leaveing my wallet at his house, on purpose? maybe, idk yet. anyways...
  7. B

    most embarrasing thing that have ever happened to you in class

    Not embarrassing to me, but to get out of reading in biology one day everybody said "orgasm" instead of organism. It embarrassed the teacher so much he left the room. That was about 4 years ago.
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    June 6th, 1944 The Day of Days

    . Fuck yea, those men and women should be respected and honored for the sacrifice they made.
  9. B

    Growing up... 13 years... wow cant belive... so sad... please help? thanks again!!?

    i think what you're feeling is totally normal. people grow up at different speeds. i was one of those girls who still played with dolls and barbies at age 14. i am now 25 and i still find myself wanting to go to the park and swing, or wanting to play 4 square and hide and seek.
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    Do I have a right to be angry?

    i would probably be upset as well. i suggest that you talk to your cousin about it and see what's up on his/her end.