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  1. G

    Why is it when they disallow a goal with England they all whine and cry and

    because if you score a goal it should mean you get a point and dont you dare start telling me that you yanks never complain about a game
  2. G

    What are the laws and regulations on having a Mixed Martial Arts tournament?

    I'm wanting to host a Mixed Martial Arts Tournament soon and i wanna know if there is anything legality wise that i have to do or watch out for. Such as if i have to have it in an actual gym or can it be in someones back yard. I plan on it being a big event so help me out here.
  3. G

    A really hard riddle! best answer is ten points?

    cause he got impaled with a spoke
  4. G

    Salomon hiking boots?

    I'm going on a class field trip to Red Rock Canyon sometime in March and I was wondering if Salomon brand hiking shoes would be good shoes to buy for my trip. Also what shoes of do you reccommed? We'll be spending the whole day there studying rocks and minerals. I'll be using the shoes again...
  5. G

    Salomon hiking boots?

    I'm going on a class field trip to Red Rock Canyon sometime in March and I was wondering if Salomon brand hiking shoes would be good shoes to buy for my trip. We'll be spending the whole day there studying rocks and minerals. I'll be using the shoes again sometime in April when my friends and I...
  6. G

    Anyone in Houston want my live Christmas tree? You pick up.?

    I'm in the Med Center area. I will be flying on Christmas, so there's no point in me having it when someone can use it. Just the tree, no ornaments or stand. If you want it, please respond here with where I can contact you VIA EMAIL and maybe your story, in case I get more than one? Not...
  7. G

    If you watch gossip girl read thiss...? (NO spoillers!) ?

    Probably the same kind of thing. Look at Jenny, she's what? 14? 15?
  8. G

    My cockatiel tore her toenail off and wont stop bleeding?

    I tried heat, applying pressure, flour and neosporin. She still bleeds, not as heavily, but it wont stop. What can I do? I cannot afford a vet, so suggesting that doesnt really help me. Please, she is only 4 mos old. She is lathargic and her feathers have blood caked on them. It has been over an...
  9. G

    Every so often I scream in my sleep, but I dont remember anything?

    All sorts of theories can be assosiated with it and I want to know yours. Here's the bit: This happened the first time when I was 12. I woke suddenly and saw a white form of a man float overhead while I was awake and muttered, 'What the f***' My grandparents ran in and I thought they had heard...
  10. G

    I have a new puppy, what's the best way to deal with the crying at night in

    Giving her attention when she cries teaches her that whining gets her what she wants and she'll never stop. It is best to give her a treat once she is in her kennel and ignore the whining. She will stop in time once she learns whinging doesnt get her anything.
  11. G

    I have a new puppy, what's the best way to deal with the crying at night in

    Giving her attention when she cries teaches her that whining gets her what she wants and she'll never stop. It is best to give her a treat once she is in her kennel and ignore the whining. She will stop in time once she learns whinging doesnt get her anything.