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  1. M

    unanswerable questions

    Why does Teflon stick to the pan?
  2. M

    Anyone else feel insecure when a Yahoo member who doesn't normally use

    not at all to be honest with you
  3. M

    Are you good at cooking?

    I'm subpar at cooking sad to say
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    Which is better? Led Zeppelin or AC/DC?

    Led Zeppelin
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    Is it just me or are people getting way too attached to their cellphones anymore?

    Is it just me or are people getting way too attached to their cellphones anymore? It seems like people can't live without their cellphones anymore, what are your opinions on cellphones? I personally don't like them and I only use mine for emergencies, I wish for once people would treasure the...
  6. M

    Do you ever use your cell phone will riding?

    a few times yes but won't do it again
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    I love movies but should I sell my blue ray collection?

    I would suggest selling some of them individually like at a yard sale
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    Don't you hate it when you see an old friend of yours and all of the...

    Hell yes! I personally think it's rude and inconsiderate when they do that
  9. M

    Do you like the person above you?

    *clear* love him
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    how do you like your steak cooked?

    about medium rare as well
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    Is it rude for a person to answer their cellphone while I'm in the middle of...

    ...talking to them? I personally think that it is
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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    I wonder if they were really a terrorist organization at the time. When did they start blowing up civillians and non military targets? I think that was well after they lost US support. After all, they were fighting a military within their land as opposed to their current methods of usually...
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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    This is really stressing me out.
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    Margaret Thatcher has died

    Given the career changes you've cited I can only assume they are now financially secure enough to back up those decisions. In other words. They've already made enough money to pretty much do as they please in life. This is the Thatcher approach. A free marker economy where one must earn as...
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    Extreme body modification gaining popularity

    first i need a crapton of money i do intent on filming the procedure if i ever get it done, just so you can see me squirming in pain like a little kid
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    The Big Cat Thread

    I love Cheetahs, so cute. Leopards to, so neat to look at. And of course tigers with their orange fur and black stripes, nature is an artist. Wouldn't it be neat to have a pet Cheetah. Id need a lot of land like a big ranch to keep it happy though. I decided to put my money where my mouth is...
  17. M

    What are you brits doing with all these people????

    you mean the ppl selling the big issue?
  18. M

    The youth of today compared to decades past.

    Good points, and glad you managed to survive the downsizing! It's true that it doesn't effect mortgages in the same way that a few 10k of "normal" debt would. The concern is that all debt is bad, you need a significant pool of liquid cash to put a downpayment on your mortgage - which is money...