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  1. S

    since some people said that god don't like gays and lesbians, do u think that

    god enjoy seeing people? insulting people who are gay and lesbian since people said god hate gays and lesbians, does god accept the discrimination they are getting? does god enjoy women being cheated on by men since god was not happy that Eve listen to the snake? is god happy that women in this...
  2. S

    Is gossip always a bad thing?

    yes, you wouldn;t liked it , if someone gossip about you
  3. S

    What is your favorite thing to do outdoors?

    school, going to buy things
  4. S

    Psychic tell me about my future, will i have a short life or a long one,will

    anything positive come along? because i'm having a complicated life is too much too handle
  5. S

    Psychic why do i worry too much about my life and my future? do u think i...

    ...should worry about it or not? i want to live life to the fullest, but i just don't know why i want to know the future soo much
  6. S

    Psychic do u see people spreading rumors about me when i come back to school? if so

    why and will my senior? year be stressful
  7. S

    Psychic do u see people spreading rumors about me when i come back to

    school? if so why and will my senior? year be stressful
  8. S

    Psychic how many guys will i fall in love with in the future? do u think i will

    ever fall in love again, i? got my heart broken by someone because me and him was not meant to be and i don't know if i will ever recover again
  9. S

    Psychic how many guys will i fall in love with in the future? do u think i

    will ever fall in love again, i? got my heart broken by someone because me and him was not meant to be and i don't know if i will ever recover again
  10. S

    Psychic when will me and my future husband going to move in to a house? i don't

    have a husband right now i'm just curious, are we going to stay with his family, until we have our family or stay with mine?
  11. S

    Psychic is it true that people envy me, if so why? do u think in the future alot

    of people is going to envy? me? just curious?
  12. S

    Psychic do u see me traveling alot? when will i start traveling? and do u...

    ...think i will live? in another state after i move out of mom's apartment?
  13. S

    Psychic is it true that the guys i will meet in the future only want my body

    and nothing else? are they? going to be perverted? will i ever meet a nice guy who is intelligent and have a great personlity and that understand me?
  14. S

    Psychic what is the biggest event that would happen to me? and did anyone spread...

    ...rumors about me that my? ex crush know that not true?
  15. S

    psychic what is the biggest event that would happen to me? and did anyone spread...

    ...rumors about me that my? ex crush know that not true?
  16. S

    Should i be ashamed that i was watching the latest episode of Gossip Girl?

    maybe u had change your thoughts about it, it happens