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  1. S

    When a person cries is it considered complaining?

    For example if I kept talking about the same thing over and over, and the person say stop crying about it. I'm just really confused, when people say that your crying over stuff. What does it mean?
  2. S

    What the hell is whining and complaining ?

    My ex said I whine and complained but I never really did that. He just didn't want to hear certain things that I was saying.
  3. S

    Is this a healthy nutrition plan?

    Sounds like you are starving yourself. Where are your fruits and veggies and fiber? You need to add these to balance your diet. Also why so low a calorie intake? Average low calorie I believe is 1200 calories What is your goal in regards to how much weight you are wanting to loose?
  4. S

    I have the blackberry curve on an AT&T plan. I plugged it in into my computer.?

    Now my msgs are not coming to my phone I have turned it off and back on toook out the battery put it back in. How do I get my msgs to start coming back to my phone??
  5. S

    yesterday i coonected my phone to my laptop and it connected to blackberry...

    ...desktop and now my msgs will not? come to my phone, what is the problem?? how do i get my msgs to be sent back to my phone?? and how do i view the msgs that i may have missed today??