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  1. L

    can I just vent a little bit?

    it has to with what you say and more to do with her wanting control over someone else.. that is most likely why she said to not say something.. it probably could have been any word that she picked, it just happen to be that. a word she doesn't say..
  2. L

    Has it been proven or disproven that poor nutrition equates to lower test

    just diet itself may or may not have to do with school work.. I have know people that have had poor diets and did fine in school while others had poor diets and did bad in school.. but diet alone is not a factor alone in poor school work, home life and parents interactions is also a factor to...
  3. L

    Who else thinks this is funny when teens say this..?

    I'm 15 but I act older then my age".. or "Im more mature then most teens my age". I find this funny.. not to put teens down.. but I wonder if it would work for my age.. Im 40 but I act more mature then my most my age.. I m 40 but I act a lot older then my age. I tell my friends daughter that...
  4. L

    Newbie housewife/stay-at-home mom and I feel useless..having trouble

    having a dirty house is no big deal.. if you want to be more organized, start making lists of what you think you need to do that day.. if you have to do it the day before. and if you don't finish something,, big deal..
  5. L

    How do you tell a future boyfriend you don't like kissing..?

    I never really have, don't really know why. and NO I have never had a bad experiences and that is the cause.. I just don't like to kiss on the lips.. kissing everywhere else is fine. just not on the lip.. How does one bring this up to a future boyfriend.without sounding like a bit of a freak..?
  6. L

    You are the staff person who is delegated to greet children every

    you respect the father of the child.. you can also comfort the child in a way that will help him deal with being in school when he is afraid and scared.. 'daddy says little boys don't cry, what do you think"? (NOT when the dad is around).
  7. L

    The 'gay' question for the military..?

    ok, I can not NOT hire someone just because I don't like that they are gay (JUST USING THIS AS AN EXAMPLE... I LOVE GAY MEN) SO why can the military do this..? I have always wondered this..
  8. L

    How will Islam deal with living under the rule of law rather than the laws of...

    you do realize that in 20 years there could be more people becoming islamic then christian..
  9. L

    How will Islam deal with living under the rule of law rather than the laws of...

    you do realize that in 20 years there could be more people becoming islamic then christian..
  10. L

    Ring Tones for a pre-paid Go phone.?

    You know the music you can put on your phone so instead of a ring, the person calling hears a song..? I own a Pre-paid Go phone.. Can I do that on my phone and how do I do it..?
  11. L

    yahoo questions/answers needs to start a rant section.?

    I get on here and sometimes just want to rant for a few moments. no question just get on here and complain about what I want to complain about and get either someone on my side or someone telling me to suck it up that its not that bad. what do you think.. do we need a rant section.. ?
  12. L


    I ve been watching a few shows on this channel.. Online at work and I have noticed that one in piticular has a cussing in it.and I dont mean little swear words, I mean a few time someone has said F*CK. I;m fine with it all but have wondered are TV stations overseas different then US tv..? Or...
  13. L

    making sushi..?

    it is easy to make at home.? how long will it last in the frig or does it need to be all eaten when it is made..? it is really all made with raw fish. One recipes has salmon but does that really mean raw salmon..? I love sushi and want to learn to make it myself..