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  1. J

    Where can I order a SIM card for my motorola W375?

    I cannot find where to. @A h Pardon me?
  2. J

    Where is this prayer located?

    A while back I was researching the Nephilim for a book I am currently writing. I came across a website that quoted a prayer about the Nephilim never returning. All I remember from it is "Let evil not come back, let the Nephilim never return" or something along those lines. Any ideas?
  3. J

    need to know what size motor to put on a boat?

    i have a 16ft fiberglass boat. its a 1972 model and need to get an outboard motor for it. i would like to be able to pull a kid ( 9 years of age ) on a tube, also use it for fishing. can anyone help me?
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    2nd world war veteran?

    joseph pogorzelski b 127050
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    2nd world war veteran?

    joseph pogorzelski b 127050
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    how do i get ringtones on my samsung Supra M220 phone?

    my bluetooth and everything was on and i couldnt recieve ringtones. i cant recieve them in a message cause the web is blocked.
  7. J

    how do i get ringtones on my samsung Supra M220 phone?

    my bluetooth and everything was on and i couldnt recieve ringtones. i cant recieve them in a message cause the web is blocked.
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    If you are canoeing through the desert and your tire pops, how many cans of...

    About four bowls of chocolate pudding and a biscuit mixer.
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    i have a 96 jeep wrangler had it tested it is pulling 2 amps when car is not running

    alarm is not working now? battery is dead in 1 day
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    i have a 96 jeep wrangler had it tested it is pulling 2 amps when car is not...

    ...running alarm is not working now? also new bat sensor on back hatch always on
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    Does the RUF recruit the locals of Sierra Leone to work, by force or is it voluntary?

    I'm doing a speech on the Blood Diamond conflict on Sierra Leone and I'm curious to know if the locals are captured and forced to work, or if it is voluntary. I know in the movie 'Blood Diamond' the villagers are captured and forced.
  12. J

    What does the sanchez family shield mean?

    where does the last name first originated.What does the things on the shield mean.
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    Work or Family, Which Should I Choose?

    family is way better you can not be at work while u know somebody at home might need u....
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    How do i fix my car speaker?

    Did you remember to ground the speaker wire. I bet you didn't.
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    Internet search access?

    Anyone who has enough computer geekishness can get in.
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    New Computer. Software problems?

    Just finished my brand new barebones kit. After alot of issues i finally got it working, But the thing is. off and on i get a "Chassis Intruded! Fatal Error...System Halted!" message. WHat do I do?
  17. J

    can dogs take penicillan vk?

    no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no dont
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    First helpful answerer gets 10 points. How can i get a music video i got off...

    ...itunes onto my philips mp3 player? i downloaded a music video off itunes its in mpeg4 format and my mp3 player wont play it. how do i change the format. i've tried a couple of programs but none seem to work. i just get errors. i think my mp3 player requires wma format. Thanks what converter...
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    Disney Movie reward codes?

    If you have any unused Disney codes that you wont use can I please have them thank you
  20. J

    Are there any rumors of a new Nintendo DS coming out soon?

    on march its called DSi u can listen to music in it and watch movie , see pics , surf web , camera 0.2 mega pixels , no gba slot