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  1. G

    What are some interesting topics to talk about?

    Here's a secret: Everybody likes to talk about him/herself. So just ask the other person questions about himself or herself, and then ask more questions about whatever he or she says in response. They'll end up thinking you're the most interesting conversationalist ever.
  2. G

    Interesting topic from 1865-1980's for USA history?

    Try the WPA Federal Theater Project (1935-39). There was an interesting semi-fictional movie about the Theater Project, called "Cradle Will Rock," released in 1999. There have also been numerous books and magazine articles about it.
  3. G

    was abraham lincoln against slavery?

    According to his own statements, he wanted to end slavery, but did not necessarily favor legal and social equality with whites for African-Americans (including the former slaves).
  4. G

    If I was to put a t-mobile sims card in a verizon phone, would it work?

    I really want this Verizon phone because it's awesome. I don't want to buy a phone thinking it would work and have it do nothing. Please Help!
  5. G

    musical greeting cards?

    does anybody know where i can get the metal strip what used to be in greeting cards that played a voice or tune when you opened the card
  6. G

    Does the Nokia C7 mobile phone with it's HD recorder produce very good sound quality?

    I need really good sound quality without so much background noise. Is this possible?
  7. G

    I recently bought a blue bluetooth dongle from ebay for 99p but cant connect it

    to my mobile phone,? what can i do any suggestions?
  8. G

    my wife is 19 and from canada, im from the uk,we want to move to live and work

    in canada, what do we need 2 do? she cant stay in the uk until shes 21, shes here now on a Youth mobility visa for 2 years, we want to leave as soon as possible, can some 1 help
  9. G

    my wife is 19 and from canada, im from the uk,we want to move to live and work

    in canada, what do we need 2 do? she cant stay in the uk until shes 21, shes here now on a Youth mobility visa for 2 years, we want to leave as soon as possible, can some 1 help
  10. G

    Why is there so much stereotyping in the Religion section?

    Where else would you ask questions??
  11. G

    Does the President and First Lady look like they are making their first trip to

    town and act like tourist? In everything I have seen on TV they just appear to be totally out of place . The President seems to be trying real hard to be funny and seems a bit silly and not at all like the leader of the most powerful country in earth. The First Lady,well what can you say! They...
  12. G

    How should I deal with having a different religion (or lack of religion)...

    I'm sorry you don't believe in God. You don't know what you are missing out on.
  13. G

    What is your religion?

    I'm Baptist
  14. G

    What new fish can I get?

    I have been thinking of getting some new fish but not sure what to go for.... Is there any you can suggest to go with what I already have. 3 x Neon Tetras 2 x Rummy Nose Tetras 2 x Ghost Glass Catfish 2 x Upside Down Catfish 2 x Male Guppys 1 x Discus 1 x Siamese Fighter 1 x Albino Rainbow...
  15. G

    why wont my blackberry pearl recieve files over bluetooth?

    Turn your broiler on low. Put the steak directly on the oven rack for 2 minutes. Turn steak over and after 2 minutes move the rack up to the top shelf and turn the broiler on high. Cook for 2 minutes then flip the steak over annd cook for another 2 minutes. You're done. Oh put a cookie tray or...
  16. G

    why wont my blackberry pearl recieve files over bluetooth?

    Turn your broiler on low. Put the steak directly on the oven rack for 2 minutes. Turn steak over and after 2 minutes move the rack up to the top shelf and turn the broiler on high. Cook for 2 minutes then flip the steak over annd cook for another 2 minutes. You're done. Oh put a cookie tray or...
  17. G

    why wont my blackberry pearl recieve files over bluetooth?

    Turn your broiler on low. Put the steak directly on the oven rack for 2 minutes. Turn steak over and after 2 minutes move the rack up to the top shelf and turn the broiler on high. Cook for 2 minutes then flip the steak over annd cook for another 2 minutes. You're done. Oh put a cookie tray or...
  18. G

    Where can I buy a mouth swab drug test for weed?

    I have to buy and take a drug test for weed, but I would prefer the mouth swab to the urine test. I don't want to buy it online, but just can't find it anywhere in stores. Does anyone know where to get one? Also, I live in Northern California, so the stores may be different than on the East Coast.
  19. G

    passtries filled with dates,walnumts.they may be in tha shape of is a 7

    Did you know. 'Pastries' is a 7 letter word not 8.
  20. G

    Guitar pickups keeps going loose ?

    My guitar pickup screw keeps going loose and the pickup falls further into the body.This happens every 2 days each time i tighten the screw it seems to keep going loose. Is there any way i cant fix this? Thanks The