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  1. D

    What could It mean...?

    Last night, I dreamed that someone I called mother, who doesn't look like mine Irl, took me out to eat at a Mexican restaurant. Except I wasn't aware we were going to eat there. Or something. I remember not getting out of the car. Then I had a Bad Feeling and got out and went inside and walked...
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    Don't you think it's mean for someone to laugh at you when your pictures get deleted?

    Thats so mean of them! and i hope you get some more cool lion pics!
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    What is the difference between Japanese Karate and Japanese Kempo?

    There isn't one. Two alternate names from the arts that originated in Okinawa and / or Japan. Funakoshi Sensei, the founder of Shotokan Karate also referred to his art as RyuKyu Kenpo. Ryu Kyu being the name of the kingdom that had its seat of power in Shurie Okinawa before being conquered by Japan.
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    Anemia during Karate graduation?

    Liver is always a good food to help with anemia. I personally can't stomach it but some love it. Natural sources of nutrients are always preferable to pill form. When I was young I was a borderline anemic. Stay away from energy drinks and caffeine in any form.
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    I'm a person who wants to learn martial arts,a comprehensive knowledge?

    Ah Grasshopper, How can you learn any art since your head is full of what you think you know? You seem to have a lot of misinformation that you call knowledge for someone who admittedly has never studied. Krav Maga is a combat system based on Israeli Krav Maga, what you would learn 99% of the...
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    Thinking of taking up Karate, I'm 15 and 140lb?

    If it is a good class, expect a lot of sweat and bruises. It will be worth it but if it is a good class it won't be easy. Age, sex, weight , or size have nothing to do with it. If you are out of shape you will get in shape, If you are in shape you will get in better shape. Relax, listen, learn...
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    Question about Karate..?

    If you don't want it, where did you say you were from? lol Getting paid to learn karate, what a deal. First you are never to old to start if that is part of your nervousness. You get paid and learn to defend yourself, best of both worlds. Sure something could go wrong, you could get fired 10...
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    Does anyone have a FUNNY banana joke?

    Do not just google "funny banana jokes" because I have already done that. The dirtier the better and please make sure they are funny. Any kind of input is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Banana Man
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    Does it sound like she's interested?

    A girl i work with seems to like me. We're always kinda flirty and joke with each other, and she uses smiley faces alot in texts lol. She also said she loves spending time with me. I would ask her out to the movies but i dont want to mistake it and get rejected then have to awkwardly work with...
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    How can I beat up a boxer/mma fighter with no training?

    That is karma. You got exactly what you deserve. That is why you should never try to intimidate people, you never know when one can dish it out better than you. Take your beating and man up a bit. Being a man has nothing to do with your reputation for being a bully. It does have much to do with...
  11. D

    Your thoughts on martial arts striking styles that do not practise board

    I used to break boards in the Chung Do Kwan class I was in. I have broken flaming concrete patio blocks and enough lumber to build a small tree house. While impressive looking, and great for demos, it has nothing to do with Martial arts. I have never in my entire life been attacked by a board...
  12. D

    How can i learn Martial Arts for free online?

    You can download anything you want, but you CANNOT learn a martial art from a video on a computer or a DVD, or from a book. There is no substitute for a competent qualified instructor. If you try to teach yourself any martial art, all you will end up with is something that is completely...
  13. D

    Do you need to start over in karate when you move?

    Karate is a general term used to describe many styles that originated in Okinawa. If he is joining the same style then there is a possibility that he can retain his rank. It would be up to the new instructor. If it is a different style, then no his rank would not transfer, but he should move up...
  14. D

    Which is better Shitokan Karate? Or Taekwando?

    Which is better, apples or oranges? There are no better styles if both are taught as a Martial art and not as tag your it point sparring. Choose the one with the better instructor. Now that being said TKD has the worst problem with sport ( tag your it) and McDojang schools out there. It is...
  15. D

    I am looking for a martial arts school that teaches dim mak can anybody help me?

    Can tell you where to go since we don't know where you are. I can tell you this, avoid anything or anyone associated with Dillman, he is the ATA of pressure point strikes. Dim Mak is real, but it is almost impossible to find someone that actually knows what they are doing and is willing to teach...
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    What bass is used in Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World?

    Im looking for a new bass and it really caught my eye. My friend says its a Schecter, but I couldn't find anything...
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    What kata is practiced when you're a Purple Belt and One Stripe in Karate?

    It would depend on your style of karate and the association you are with. For Shotokan usually Tekki Shodan follows Heian Godan.
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    Which is better muay thai or kyokushin karate?Answer vs wing chun?

    First off practitioners of a Martial Art are Martial Artists NOT players. Martial Arts are not a game to be "played" unless you are in the ATA. There is no best, better, most bad ass, most effective Martial Art, PERIOD. If there was every military in the world would teach it, obviously they...
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    My indactor light is flashing fast and i have no indicators working on my rear and...

    ...front of my car? i have a vectra ,when i put the right indicatoron, the light on the dashboard flashes fast and when i check them outside both of the right hand side are not working. If it was a single bulb one of the indactors would work (rear or front)
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    blackberry storm hack?

    can you hack a blackberry storm? i live in canada and i am on the telus network