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  1. I

    Has America devised a recipe for Endless War while pretending humanitarian...

    How can we be engaged in an endless war?! O'Bama is a Nobel Peace Prize winner! Besides we have no more wars just kinetic military actions!
  2. I

    How many cons would complain about the rise in their taxes should Armed...

    None! OOOPS! Did your head just explode?!
  3. I

    Why don't Democrats complain about the Patriot Act any more?

    This is yet another promise O'Bama did not keep! In 2011 he signed a 4 year extension! I don't know why Democrats have not complained about it. It does show their hypocrisy though.
  4. I

    Even F0x Newz anchor agrees that NRA is ridicuIous.What do you think about

    We already require background checks to get a firearm and obviously they aren't working because criminals and crazies still get them! What is the magic of background checks? Will making them stricter make the government do the job they were supposedly already doing? Will making them stricter...
  5. I

    Why are conservatives whining over a 0.1% unemployment increase...?

    You need to look at everything! Unemployment went up to 7.9% last month and the GDP dropped! 169,000 people left the work force last month...
  6. I

    The right complains loudly about taxes. Why not a peep about the usurious...

    Because we HAVE to pay taxes no one HAS to get a loan. The problem with the economy isn't a credit problem.
  7. I

    With US poverty rates exploding and already highest in 1st World, are US

    LOL! Conservatives?!!!! Which party has had control of both houses for 4 years and the presidency for 3?! When Democrats took control of both houses unemployment was at 5%. When O'Bama was elected unemployment was at 6%. In the 3 years the Democrats had a supermajority in both houses and the...
  8. I

    Is it hypocritical of Repubs to whine about "still blaming Bush" while they

    Not nearly as hypocritical as it is of Democrats who whined about gas prices when Bush was president but who now either don't care or are still blaming Bush for the gas prices we are seeing today! What this shows is how bad Obama's energy policy is! If we had done what Palin suggested 3 years...
  9. I

    Why do liberals whine about Rush?

    Because he shows how their policies and ideas don't work.
  10. I

    Who think it's funny that the Tea Baggers don't want to spend money but support

    What's weird is that you don't have a clue what the Tea party stands for.
  11. I

    I am pretty Conservative , but could a Republican please explain to me why

    They can get married the government just doesn't recognize it. Gays have the exact same rights that everyone else does. If they want a union with someone of the opposite sex they can get married. If they want a union with someone of the same sex they can get a civil union which the government...
  12. I

    Why do Republicans argue that they want their America back, and utilize...

    Germany had Socialized health care and the Nazi's used it to kill off those they deemed not fit to live such as those who were physically and mentally handicapped. The latter became their basis for the extermination of the Jews! Nazi's were for on demand abortion! The Nazi's formed a civilan...
  13. I

    Isn't it lovely to hear the right wing whine?

    You are severely either mis or ill-informed! The Democrats in the House and Senate are toast! Pelosi's approval is at 11%, Bush's lowest was 3 times that much! Reids approval is 8%. Congresses over all approval is at it's second lowest ever! The Revolution is coming and Democrats are the targets!
  14. I

    Now that President Obama has successfully reduced the unemployment rate, will...

    Since this is traditionally a time of year that many companies hire lots of part time temporary employees I seriously doubt that this is a lasting drop in the unemployment rate. Let's wait and see what happens in the next couple of months.
  15. I

    Have you noticed that the Republicans proclaimed all Dems socialists, then argue

    Really?! Where have you been! Obama and the Democrats took over several privately owned banks, fired the CEO's and put his own people in their place! That is Socialism! Obama and the Demorats fired the CEO of a privately owned car company and put his own person in to run it. That is Socialism!
  16. I

    If government doesn't ever produce anything, where did the internet and your...

    Sorry the first digital computer was not the ENIAC it was called the ABC short for Atanasoff-Berry Computer. The ABC started being developed by Professor John Vincent Atanasoff and graduate student Cliff Berry in 1937 and continued to be developed until 1942 at the Iowa State College (now Iowa...
  17. I

    I have a 95 ford taurus it has little to no heat. I replace the water pumpand...

    Has it always had this problem. If you turn on the heater does it get hot? If it has an electric cooling fan check to make sure that it isn't constantly on. If it is constantly on check the fan switch that turns the fan off and on. If it has a belt driven fan did this problem start after the...
  18. I

    I have a 95 ford taurus it has little to no heat. I replace the water pumpand...

    Has it always had this problem. If you turn on the heater does it get hot? If it has an electric cooling fan check to make sure that it isn't constantly on. If it is constantly on check the fan switch that turns the fan off and on. If it has a belt driven fan did this problem start after the...