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  1. M

    How to fix Google Account Sync Error in Android ICS?

    I have a Cherry Mobile Flare with an Android ICS OS. Recently, some weird stuff happened that made the phone crash, after which only a wiping of the cache allowed it to boot again, before which it would endlessly get stuck in a boot loop. Now, however, after wiping the cache, for some reason I...
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    Never went on cruise before, now need to plan for 3 families, a little help?

    You do not have to take a shore excursion . You can lays get off the boat and go somewhere on your own. Especially if you're just going shopping or to the beach for the day . Take an excursion when you don't feel comfortable arraigning things by yourself or, I just easier or safer to do one if...
  3. M

    IPhone 4g S won't play video?

    Recently I've had issues with video playback on my iPhone 4S. The video will load, but when I press play, it toggles really fast to "pause" then the "play" button comes back up and the video won't start. I have to turn my phone off, back on, then it will play. Any suggestions?
  4. M

    Is brazil football team underated or overrated and why!!!?

    In my opinion overrated neymar loses the ball alot and does useless tricks a good defence would stop lucas struggles to make the team now oscar does but i think hulks world class but there forward Damião alright but how u rate them american football never heard of it heard of rugby
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    postpoting date is he really interested?

    we met last monday and we chat everyday he s sweet and sms me but he postponed second date twice ...we both r in holidays
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    how to replace mirror switch on a 1992 mercedes benz?

    I have the part, but I don't have a clue how to replace the switch. It looks like the entire console needs to be removed. oops forgot - it's a 300SD
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    What are the words to the greeting of the Greybeards in skyrim?

    Yes, if you purchase the strategy guide it has a Dragon Language translator in the appendix. Other than that I cant give a solid answer of where you can translate Dragon to English,
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    Can any one tell me where I can get "Introduction to probability and statistics for Old edition is cheaper:
  9. M

    What would America be like today if Lincoln succeeded in sending all the free...

    There was a movement like that in the 19th century that fizzled out during the Civil War and sprang up again until the early 20th century. There was much ado about it too, literally, but it died off. Yes, there was a hypothetical chance that if all the free blacks and freed slaves had...
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    Isn't high unemployment going to be the future as technology gets better.?

    It will happen - maybe not in our lives, but it will happen. I agree to the point that people should be able to afford to retire much younger and the 'social safety net' HAS to be put in place for that 'future' that will come of age soon enough. I also agree that people should be earning more...
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    How to install Eclair (Android 2.1) on Nokia Nuron?

    Does anyone know of a way to install or dual-boot Android in the Nokia 5230 (Nuron). I know the HTC EVO can dual boot Windows 6.5 and Eclair. Even if the Nuron can't support 2.1, it should certainly handle 1.6. Any one had any luck finding how?
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    would a samsung messager allow me to save ringtones sent from websites?

    i have a lg banter right now and it wont let me. im thinking about getting another phone i was just wondering is there any types of phones that will let me do it. if not the messager, can you tell me what will allow it Ty.
  13. M or eharmony for 19 year olds?

    creeps and fat chicks use that stuff, dude get out and look for someone real. look in places you like.. cause if they're there they must like that place too..
  14. M

    How to install Eclair (Android 2.1) on Nokia Nuron?

    Does anyone know of a way to install or dual-boot Android in the Nokia 5230 (Nuron). I know the HTC EVO can dual boot Windows 6.5 and Eclair. Even if the Nuron can't support 2.1, it should certainly handle 1.6. Any one had any luck finding how?
  15. M

    How to install Eclair (Android 2.1) on Nokia Nuron?

    Does anyone know of a way to install or dual-boot Android in the Nokia 5230 (Nuron). I know the HTC EVO can dual boot Windows 6.5 and Eclair. Even if the Nuron can't support 2.1, it should certainly handle 1.6. Any one had any luck finding how?
  16. M

    Motorola Droid pro vs. HTC droid eris?

    i currently have the htc droid eris but i want the droid pro and i was wondering which one is more effecient for texting and web browsing and picture taking etc. Which is a better phone all around? Thanks ps: (talking about verizon wireless)
  17. M

    Where can i find information on selling commercial property?

    I need to know where to find info on the costs of selling a piece of brown field site within a town centre. Taxes and average seller costs/comision on the sale
  18. M

    How to install Eclair (Android 2.1) on Nokia Nuron?

    Does anyone know of a way to install or dual-boot Android in the Nokia 5230 (Nuron). I know the HTC EVO can dual boot Windows 6.5 and Eclair. Even if the Nuron can't support 2.1, it should certainly handle 1.6. Any one had any luck finding how?
  19. M

    How to install Eclair (Android 2.1) on Nokia Nuron?

    Does anyone know of a way to install or dual-boot Android in the Nokia 5230 (Nuron). I know the HTC EVO can dual boot Windows 6.5 and Eclair. Even if the Nuron can't support 2.1, it should certainly handle 1.6. Any one had any luck finding how?
  20. M

    Is there a Symbian s06v5 game similar to Android/iOS's game Unblock Me?

    on Nokia Nuron 5230