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  1. A

    I can't alt tab back into any full screen games.?

    Lower the desktop resolution--->Apply--->OK, then change it back to the original res, For ex: 1440x900--->1024-->1440, try alt tab several times then.
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    Do you like Self-Fulling Prophecies?

    We are creating our own future! Much of Earth beliefs systems is being focused on the Book of Revalations and others prophetic disaters that are to happen. "The future is being created every day... and it's being changed every day; based on our thoughts." Don't forget to remember this...
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    POLL:Should I travel to the 4th dimension and defeat the King MonkeyMan and save

    the 4th dimension or...? Travel to the 5th dimension and defeat the Little Monkey Man and save the 5th dimension?
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    POLL: Do you watch Jersey Shore?

    I dont
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    is religion a disease?

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    Poll/Survey: Did you know that....!?!?!?!?
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    Did you laugh as you casted the first Stonez of Christ?
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    It's a sony ericsson W200a............ I forgot my phone lock code............ =\ can anyone help me.......PLEASE...........
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    how can i burn PS2 games downloaded from torrent on DVD?

    just go buy the damn game jeez they are already cheap like $5-20 or so don't be a cheapa$$
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    Wheres a good place to download ps3 movies but blue ray and HD?

    the playstation network is the best place to buy or rent them and where they will look really good especially if you have HD TV
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    samsung tv problem, please help?

    i have a samsung TX-82783 and for some reason as of late, it's picture size is all screwed up, and not only did i not mess with it, i have no clue HOW to change it, please help? to define the problem more, the pictures are too wide, and it's very noticeably cut off, sometimes whole shots are...
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    How can I get myself in the guinness book of records for being the most...

    ...truest gamer on this planet? I haven't got to know anyone in my family because I've always put video games as a top priority of mine, I never chat when I play online games. I never have socialized, like if you look at my facebook, I've never said a word to anyone even when I've been online...
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    How do you get a stuck CD out of a car stereo?

    Listen to your dad .
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    Does any religion say that god will forgive everyone in hell one day?

    I have heard about a religion where you pay your debts in hell and then are allowed into heaven
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    What ps3 games should i get?

    Killzone 2 is sweeeeeeet .
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    PSP 3000 games for a Barbie girl?

    you might like God of War : chains of olympus ,also there are A LOT of great jRPGS for the PSP , but I'll doubt you'll be into them since you're new to gaming .
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    How do I burn songs from limewire onto blank CD (using windows Vista)?

    Get a program such as Nero or Clone CD, install them and they are very straight forward on how to burn a CD. Its like a drag and drop and burn process. As for just using Vista as a stand alone product to burn I am unaware of any way to do so but I do not use Vista as of yet. So this is more of...