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  1. M

    Which celeb will be the 1st to go A over T on Dancing On Ice tonight?

    l've got my fingers crossed for Todd Carty, never did like him, looks a bit dodgy!
  2. M

    Where can I find out what happens in the next episode of Casualty?

    Just be patient like me and wait for next week.
  3. M

    XtraFactor Judges Predictions?

    l think Diana should have won, she's a little different to anyone else, Alex was the best of the ones left, but she's a little bit too much like Leona. The predictions show how much they really know!....absolutely nothing!
  4. M

    Come on then, who's gonna win x factor? ?

    Eoghan Alexandra JLS
  5. M

    Any reason why when Joe (celebrity get m oo h) got out of the casket?

    l wondered the same thing, just seemed odd that the front was dry when the rats had been crawling all over him. The water didn't go about his chest but the rats were wet. lt wasn't all live tonight, so l think there must have been a break in filming after he had climbed out and it gave his shirt...
  6. M

    Soap I wrong?

    Don't watch Hollyoaks, too many dumb blondes and bimbos. Darryl is a bit of a scruff but most teenagers are. l think Simon is a cute little lad, which makes you wonder if Peter really is his father, (he's vile!) so it may come out at some point that Simon isn't his son.
  7. M

    Isnt it great that smarmy Brian the Copper has been evicted from I'm a Celebrity?

    About time he went, difficult to keep my eyes open when he's waffling on, talk about boring!!!!
  8. M

    I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here Question?

    l think he'd prefer to be the queen of the jungle and have Joe as his king!!!!!
  9. M

    I'm a Celeb question: DVD said on tonight's show that he was in the band Bucks Fizz ?

    Yes he was, but he too busy singing to wind everybody up with his moaning and groaning. l'm actually a little ashamed now to say that l used to like Dollar and Bucks Fizz!!!!
  10. M

    Joe swash (i'm a celebrity...) strangely attractive? or is it just me ?

    l think if l were stuck in the jungle with DVD and Timmy Mallet l think l'd find any half decent man atttractive.
  11. M

    Is anyone else warming to David Van Day in Im a celebrity?

    Well he's got you fooled, but not me, he's a nasty piece of work, the sooner he's out the better. Agree about Nicola, she's definitly queen b*tch, thinks of no one but herself and her t*ts, which look terrible, and she wants to go bigger!!!! l think she needs to get a bit of common sense and...
  12. M

    I'm a Celeb: Did Nicola just say, I'm gonna Come?

    l wonder what they put in her tank with the gunge, maybe an eel or two...LOL
  13. M

    Timmy and Dave in i'm a celeb get me out of here?

    l think l'd have slapped them by now, that cackling is just so annoying, l'm sure he only does it to wind everybody up.
  14. M

    im a celebrity get me out of here???joe?

    l didn't think l was going to like him, but he has surprised me with how nice he is, gets on with everybody and willing to do anything, he's in with a very good chance of winning.
  15. M

    Bif baf bof we're celebrities...?

    l think that's the best his tiny little brain can come up with!
  16. M

    I'M A CELEB: I can't make my mind up who is more annoying, Timmy Mallet or David Van

    They're both as bad as each other, although l think that Nicola is up there with them as well. Just loving George, a lovely man, he'll be there until the end.
  17. M

    who should win im a celebrity?

    At the moment l think Joe has a good chance, but George seems very popular, even though he's not done a trial yet everybody seems to have taken a shine to him.
  18. M

    X-factor Bottom Two Predictions?

    Rachel and Ruth, Rachel will be the one to leave.
  19. M

    I'm a celeb...There is no way David is going to do well...Is he?

    He's screaming like a little girl, won't be long before he chickens out.
  20. M

    What has Robert Kilroy Silk got against Timmy Mallet?

    He probably just hates him because he's a prat, cackling all the time, if l were Kilroy l'd have left one of the stars, lost a meal and made the Mallet do without eating. l think it won't be long before he gets a trial, then Kilroy can cackle at him.