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  1. K

    Is anthony parker gonna leave toronto after this season?

    Because hes the only player i like on that team. If they do sign him, do u think he ll still start? what are some of the reasons he wont be signed
  2. K

    Better Gaming Console XBox 360 or Playstation 3?

    They are both good systems. The Playstation 3 is arguably the best system hardware wise. But unless you have a top of the line Television you won't notice much of a difference. My advice would be too go to or some similar website and make a list of games that you want to play. And...
  3. K

    family problems dads gf?

    exactly what he told you to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. K

    Boyfriend wants a "yes" to future marriage?

    school as in high school? if that's the case, look for a new boyfriend. this one is way too pushy... that's the kind of thing stalkers are made of.
  5. K

    what should i do to help them ?

    ya, right... mind your own business.
  6. K

    The right for a mom /daughter to sue the husband / father for physical abuse....

    you don't need to sue him, the next time he is abusive, call the police. they will put him in jail. you can not take his assets at any time for any reason!!! tell mom to get off her behind and get a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe then she will be able to take care of what she needs to take...
  7. K

    How can I help my cousin stop smoking?

    there isn't really anything you can do... he smokes and he is the only one that can want to quit, then he will. and not one second before, no matter what you say!!!
  8. K

    qusteion for parents?

    very small children = all are from santa the older they get less from santa
  9. K

    Is it weird to find your dad annoying?

    trust me, you are in the same fix as most other 15 year olds..... don't worry about it.
  10. K

    Isn't a 15 year old boy old enough to change by himself?

    good god, get over it!!! that was 6 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. K

    my dad says...............?

    actually it will cause algae... he probably just has the fear that it will cause a fire. don't worry about it.. if he doesn't like it on, leave it off.
  12. K

    What should I do to better the circumstances when I am forced to move?

    there is only one thing you can do.... get a good job, save your money until you have to move. much will depend on how much time you have to save and how much education you have... if you want something bad enough you will get it. save save save.... work work work.. be positive and good luck!!!
  13. K

    my friend has lost her daughter and has no family,can she have a future?

    good grief, she is grieving, be supportive and stop being a doomsdayer.
  14. K

    my friend has lost her daughter and has no family,can she have a future?

    good grief, she is grieving, be supportive and stop being a doomsdayer.
  15. K

    my husband's brother told me he was gay. 1 other person knows, but not the...

    i wouldn't ,,,, but your going to blab any way....
  16. K

    can you have a good relationship (non-romantic) with your child's father?

    divorced and got along quite well... no problems
  17. K

    Regarding a Jailbroken Iphone. Does Installer or cydia have better apps?

    Just JB'd iPhone, and only chose to install Cydia, and not installer. Is it worth adding installer or are the best apps on cydia? Also anyone recommend any cydia sources? ta in advance
  18. K

    My Xobox 260 Only Got One Red Ring?

    is this the 3 ring effect or what? pleaase help. how do i get rid of this?
  19. K

    Im an English gentlemen and lately Ive been spending some time in the USA

    What the hell? English and American people speak the same language: English. Therefore I think the most appropriate language would be... ENGLISH.