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  1. D

    Why won't divx let me convert these videos?

    i have 24 MKV files i need to convert so i can put them on my PS3 every time i go to convert them it says conversion error so i tried to play them on my computer and all i here is static noise how do i fix this
  2. D

    lulz. guess.

    you landed on a bear.
  3. D

    Favorite Fast Food Resturant

  4. D

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    ya satan can go suck a fuckin dick.
  5. D

    30 things to do at wallmart/kmart

    dude, i remember getting this email back in 1999
  6. D

    Humiliation: A story about a boy, a girl, and a boxer brief full of poop.

    the first post and this are the only two ive read, and i loled so hard.
  7. D

    random things to do....

    One time I ran an old lady over with a cart. It provided a good laugh. No lie. She was sitting down behind this cart, and It was full of magazines and was in the middle of the eisle. I pushed that fucker as hard as i could and she went flying. Tdlr- old lady bowling
  8. D

    Cybernation V5.0

    FAN is getting killed. They are putting up a good fight though.
  9. D

    caption this pic

  10. D

    How do i go about starting my own internet radio show on my own with no fees?

    I want to talk to the youth with my own radio station but i don't want to give my money to big corporations. How would i start my own station on the internet.