Search results

  1. L

    Looking for some good one-liners?

    I'm putting together a video and the basis of it is someone who really can't carry on a conversation without being like "Uhhhhh." In the middle of every word. So, some good one-liners towards the person who is saying "Uh". They can be redneck or ghetto too just make sure they're funny. Thanks...
  2. L


    Sean has hair in many places including his face
  3. L

    How does Britney Spears Act in meet and greets ?

    If you have met her at a concert, how does she act? friendly? huge fan and thinking about buying VIP tickets! how much time do you have to talk to her
  4. L

    Different cultural artifacts?

    What are some cultural artifacts from today from different cultures around the world? American, South American, European, Japanese, etc...
  5. L

    Do you think he is interested?

    There's this guy in one of my classes at college. We had each others numbers from the class because we were in the same group for a project. So I texted him about an assignment, then asked what he was doing during the weekend and he asked me to hang out with his friends. We had a lot of fun...
  6. L

    how many people are kind of tired of alt rock?

    Who gives a fuck if it's considered "cool" or not? Let people like what they want without putting them down.
  7. L

    HELP!!!! iPhone dropped in water!!!!?

    I dropped my iPhone 4S in water a couple of days ago, and I left it in rice from 9:00 last night to 9:00 at night today. the sound doesn't work and when it does it will only last for a very short time. Please help! And if you're wondering I don't have a warranty and I'm on a three year contract.
  8. L

    what is a good workout dvd for night time?

    I workout in the mornings with Jillian Micheals body revolution. I do the cardio plus the strength but I would like to do something at night time too. Preferable 30 mins and works the whole body. Thanks!
  9. L

    Good free apps for the Motorola Defy XT?

    I got a new phone yesterday and I have no idea what apps to get! I can only get free ones. If you could say what they are for and the name. That'd be great(:
  10. L

    Am I too young to be thinking about this?

    I'm in 7th grade, I take drivers Ed in the second semester of 9th grade or the first semester of 10th grade. I've been thinking about the car I want and when I should start to save up money for it. I'm thinking that I should start in a year. Haha, am I too young?? The car I want is kind of...
  11. L

    Is it safe to eat crispy beef taco (taco bell) thats been sitting for 4 hours?

    It still tastes the same though...
  12. L

    Iphone 5, or Galaxy 3?

    I get an upgrade soon, i have a iphone 4 now but some people are telling me the galaxy is better, which is? and explain pplease!!!!
  13. L

    Is Virgin Mobile or Telus better?

    I would like to switch to virgin mobile......what are your opinions about both of them?
  14. L

    How do you record audio on a motorola atrix?

    just got this new phoine and iim trying to friuger this out but i cant! do i need to dl an app or is it somewhere on the phonw! pleasehelp! thanks guys
  15. L

    Question about blackberry apps?

    I've recently found apps for custom fonts, and even found one to custom my LED light different colors for different contacts, other than red and I was just wondering if anyone else knew of any apps that did other custom things like font color? Or changing the font of my background. I know my...
  16. L

    How to connect a 1992 magnavox tv to panasonic dvd player?

    I have a 1992 magnavox tv that has worked in the past with my panasonic dvd player. I have an RF converter and channel 4 is lit up on it. I've tried setting the tv to channel 4 as well but I can't get the dvd menu to pull up. Please help, I know it works but I've forgotten how to get it there...
  17. L

    I really want a 2008 mercedes benz coup..but I know nothing about cars?

    I understand that the car is pricey but about how much would a used one be? This would be my first car I'm seventeen years dad just got himself a new king ranch luxury truck from ford.. so I think we are in good financial state (we are no where near rich) I'm trying really hard to get a...
  18. L

    Poll ; What would you do if...?

  19. L

    POLL : When I become a Movie Star Will I go to Premiere Parties of my Movies...

    Sorry, don't want to let your hopes down, ask again later when I have the balls.
  20. L

    Poll: Is this a nice potato?

    You mean your avatar