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  1. H

    Help me name my millipede!!!

    If it's a girl Millipede, Millie. If it's a manly millipede, Marvin. :yes:
  2. H

    Do you like the person above you?

    Thank you kind sir. Yes to 'canes.
  3. H

    Youtube Downloading

    AdamR Thank You
  4. H

    Kid at my school digs up body to smoke weed

    I heard about this on Friday, some guy on a local radio station sounded pretty disgusted with the whole thing and I'm just wondering how you turn a skull into a bong.
  5. H

    Women drivers...

    I don't know. Ask a State Farm agent. This message was paid for by State Farm. Like a good neighbour, State Farm is there.
  6. H

    Why does a lot of prophecy have a dual fulfillment?

    One major reason is to provide evidence to skeptics that God is real. There is no other book written over such a long period of time, by so many different authors, that contains so many examples of dual and triple fulfillment of prophecies - some of them yet future. Only a book that has been...
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    I would too;):ugh:
  8. H

    Zimmerman Martin Case

    I'm not agreeing with it, I'm just saying that hoodies are viewed as basically the western equivalent of a beard and a dishdasha. A lot of society judges people who don't conform to the majority, whether its hoodies, goth clothing, tattoos, weird hair or body mods. Humans seem to have a...
  9. H

    Windows 7, intel Celeron, PC dvd player changed to blue ray?

    Yes, as long as it is compatible with your operating system. It should say on the box what OS's it will work with. If it doesn't recognize it, use the drivers CD that *should have* came with it. If it didn;t come with one, you can find them on the manufacturers website.
  10. H

    I enjoy the taste of icecream

    does this thread gtfo? failz n00bzhawtzomgrawlf? THIS THREAD SUCKS!
  11. H

    Some good news

    Having my first day back at school right now.. in my tech class good news is ill be on offtopic all 1st period seeing as offtopic is no longer blocked at my school and this class is an easy A. P.S. this keybord is sticky....and gooey wtf??
  12. H

    math question of the day

    that makes it question of the weekend, not day. you fail! im pretty sure i could figure it out if i tried, but i dont want to right now. i might try later
  13. H

    Help! I need help on my history assignment lol?

    The british and colonists conflicts in the time before the American Revolution. What conclusion can be made about why so many conflict occurred in Boston? A. The kind wanted to control Boston because the wealthist colonist lived there. B. The British did not like Boston because most colonist...
  14. H

    Global Population: The planet at 7 billion

    Well, the patterns of land use that contribute towards the famines are inspired more or less by demand from the first world, so it's not as clear cut as all that. And it's difficult to see how populations could have grown to the point they have without technologies that the western world...
  15. H

    For the love of God...

    When you tell someone "I could care less" you're inherently sarcastic, which negates the literal and non-sarcastic meaning of "I could care less."
  16. H

    How screwed up is this!

    crums cheif! just read the BBC article. This reminds me (sort of) of a film I saw and now I can't remember the name of it I will spend the next few hours going insane.
  17. H

    How to argue

    But that's boring
  18. H

    What is torture?

    Moving outside of the specifics of the example I gave, I find it hard to disagree with you here. But I can still empathise with those on the ground who cross the line, given the stakes at play. Not that I think that is any excuse, or that they should be shown leniency. Wherever the line is set...
  19. H

    Isn't Christianity really just a repackaging of Judaism?

    Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism, and the follow-on to it. They worship the same God and use the same scriptures. The New Testament simply picks up where the Old Testament left off, and carries on from there.