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    Music downloading apps for Android?

    Okay so I have a musical problem. I can't find any music downloading apps that aren't either out of date or just don't have what I want. So can you recommend some FREE apps for Android?
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    Holy Spider Batman.

    omg, thats huge.
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    What do my straight female friends think about me being a lesbian?

    probably just curious. either bicurious herself or just plain old curious because she doesnt know any or many lesbians. I doubt your friends think a whole lot about it. One of my best friends was a lesbian and I never thought about it, except for one night when she tried to kiss me, thought...
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    I really need help....?

    Hello, My name is Ava, and I'm 14... I'm so ashamed to admit this, but right now I'm going to tell you my biggest secret. I masturbate. I don't watch online stuff or anything... Just, no. But I need help. It feels so good, but I'm a Christian, and many say it's sinful, and it breaks me to...
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    what's the song at the end of gossip girl season 6 episode 6?

    the song that plays when dan and serena start making out?
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    How do I tell my republican parents that I will vote for Obama?

    Why would you have to tell anyone who you are voting for? Maybe it's an american thing.
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    Am I really that bad at Singing?

    You aren't bad but you sound really nervous. Try recording some songs when you aren't worried about other people hearing you.
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    Is the indicator lever on a 2002 VW Polo LHD on the left hand side on the right?

    I'm looking at buying a VW Polo, but the car I currently drive has its indicator on the right. I've heard a lot of eurpoean cars have it on the left. I'm used to the right, so if it is on the left, I'm worried I will find it difficult to drive! Give me some good news? I will find out when I go...
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    Train of thought game

    double stuffed
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    which one is healthier?

    crock pot-bake- or grill? Been researching cooking healthier recipes but if any of you can share your opinion please do. :)
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    Do you go on vacation with your pets?

    If camping sure. hotels no. i ask a neighbor to look after my pet.
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    Quiz: What kind of heel are you? Your sign?

    You Are an Architectural Heel You are excited by knowledge, and reading is not enough for you. You like to conduct your own experiments. You are a total visionary. You have your own idea about utopia, as impractical as it may be. You are astute and downright smart. Your intelligence is subtle...
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    Quiz: The Happy Pattern Test!! What's your sign?

    Doing Your Own Thing Makes You Happy You can't help but think outside the box. As far as you're concerned, you don't even know where the box is. You have a delightful and colorful inner world. People would be stunned if they could see inside your head. You get a lot of laughter out of life...
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    Why does Taco Bell condone getting high?

    Stoners may be one of Taco Bell's target audiences. "When your target audience is stoners, it stands to reason that you'd throw a few stoners in your ad campaign" "Taco Bell sure knows their...
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    Pokemon moves.

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    Is there a program like limewire?

    Hey, so i cannot find a good place to download music for free, ive tried frostwire up until the point where it upgraded and you have to use torrents or whatever. I really need a place like limewire because all these programs ive downloaded, you have to download songs from torrents and those...
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    how old do muslims believe the world to be?

    dont just say old. i would like a number please. thank you.
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    What's an interesting topic to do for a school project?

    I need to do an independent study on anything I chose, except if it's a person, the or she can't be alive. What are some good ideas for a topic that will be interesting to the class?
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    Gaia Online Marketplace Question?

    I was at the marketplace and i wanted to buy a SDPlusMirai and i noticed that it said store price 40,000. How do i find out what store its at?
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    Could my dream be my next novel??

    dreams work awesome for making books, because they are very random. dreams are just random neruons in your brain firing, and your brain trying to make sense out of it as you sleep, so don't worry... there might be bits and pieces from other things, but the chance that it's exactly or even...