Search results

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    thinking of .com name
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    so who got ******** last night?

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    Ill Song!

    I didnt see a "Music" section, so im posting it here. They should add a music section to offtopic, but whatever Bye, Personal Army! :facepalm: :dodgyrun: :tdown: :tup: :evilgrin: ;) :ugh: :dodgy: :runaway: :P :) :xeyed: :O :crash: YOU KNOW IM IN MY CAR
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    The most excessive Nerf gun ever

    K Im calling up my boys. nerf battle needs to happen.
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    your first cigar

    18 don't like em
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    Wierd shit

    time paradox
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    what do you look like?

    lmao. someone photoshop that into the pic
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    Why do women get offended when you make sexist jokes?

    Cause you're a one joke comedian. Mix it up a bit.
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    Why do some black girls complain that Tiger Woods married a white female

    He could have married a goat for all I care.
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    Which would you choose?? You have 5 seconds to decide if you would prefer a

    5 thousand dollars. Cruises are way cheaper than I can go on a cruise and still have some money left over.
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    Any other Christians who enjoy sarcasm and dark humor?

    I'm not a fan of sarcasm..but I do love dark humour. Ever see the movie "Parents"?
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    What do people mean when thy say dark comedy or dark humor?

    No, it just means humour that isn't so light and funny. There's a sinster theme underlying the humour The movie "Parents" could be an example of dark humour
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    Current favourite band/ style of music?

    Avenged Sevenfold / Rock
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    TV wont pick up any channels?

    I know this month all tvs were switching over to digital. Maybe you need to buy one of those boxes to convert it over?
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    Do you ever have dreams about celebrities?

    Yeah.. Latest involved leboeuf and james marsden in a dorm room. No more details will I give. ; )
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    what's this religion called?

    Elanshawism? : ) You may be thinking about Kali Ma - from the Hindu religion
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    Can you tell me the names of few hollywood movies that portray the bombings of

    "Tora, tora, tora"
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    Why did Leonardo Dicaprio not film for or why was he not casted as rumored

    DiCaprio has gone from "in talks" to "eliminated." He was being considered for the part of SS Col Hans Landa, but Tarantino has decided that part should be played by a real live German. This is probably a good idea, as the last thing any film needs is a wonky accent. I do find it funny that when...