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  1. C

    Amazon Tribe

    Yes because they would know who those people are..... :dodgyrun: :facepalm: :dodgyrun: You can go in with your normal clothes or a suit and fuck with them
  2. C

    Eagle Drags Goat Off Cliff

    But, it also looks fake...
  3. C

    Church of Dodgy

    lol hmm.. intriguing.. i have football till 9ish but sure probably.
  4. C

    Do you have Crazy Parents?

    shes a nazi.
  5. C

    Made My Boss Cry Today (Serious)

    GTFO of the UFC. now.
  6. C


    yea, but i ride a $1300 BMX type bike, not some POS bike for fat lazy ppl
  7. C

    Kanye west speaks about thestudentroom

    They even got a game to celebrate this genius.
  8. C

    Am I More Than You Bargained For Yet?

    That is funny, I was just listening to that. My heart is as cold as the clouds of your breath and my words are as timed as the beating in my chest. ( All time low - Jasey Rae, its about a guy who had a one night stand and really was sorry that he stopped talking to her afterwards )