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  1. A

    ST Insomniacs

    Or heroine.
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    Scientists Find Living Pokemon (giant meat eating plant)

    Have they made it into a trading card yet, that you can throw balls at that capture it? ;)
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    My dads not interested in his kids what can I do?

    This is really tough for you kids, and of course it's not your fault. It's a Dad's responsibility to show his children he loves and thinks about them, but sometimes there may be problems you are not aware of. How far away does your Dad live? You should be able to get an address, an email...
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    d you ever type with your eyes closed?

    My cock is small and I wish it was a lot bigger so the ladies would love it. Actually is nine inches small? I don't know but this sure is fun. Eyes closed makes me happy.
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    if there is a shortage of virgins

    Exactly!! I agree, in asian culture especially it's okay for the man not to be a virgin but if a women is not a virgin it would lead to disaster. argh hypocrites.
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    Abraham Maslow argued that differences in personality are linked to?

    The answer to your homework question -- which I am sure is specifically stated in your textbook -- is A (self-actulization). The question I have for you is what barriers prevented you from reaching this conclusion on your own. You're obviously not stupid, so wherein hung the hang-up?
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    Do these kinda of sites actually work?

    It's okay. :( No XBall field buttsex for me :(
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    How does someone with a Monty Python sense of humor live with a dry toast

    Why do you have to live with him? He doesn't appreciate your wit, your intelligence, your sense of humor or apparently even your attractiveness. Dump this deadbeat and find someone you can have fun with!
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    Does humour only come from somebody's suffering pain or embarresment?

    Humor comes from an unexpected twist or surprise. For most, this is word play or another type of discontinuity. For some, it is slapstick. I do not find it funny at all when someone trips, falls, or makes a fool of themselves, even though that is usually unexpected.
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    "why on earth did i post that in the internet?"

    "why on earth did i post that in the internet?" why can you add something helpful to the thread instead of calling me gay?
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    You guys...

    I took out the sniper in the warehouse roof. proceed to shoot inbound enemies
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    Cybernation V5.0

    hai there
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    What do you wish to know about the true Ian?

    how long is teh penar?
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    3 Huge Events Just Happen By Me!!!!!

    SRY i was not there to get picx at ney of the stuff but i have the picx in the news paper which ill post later
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    screaming and crying?

    This is a simple case of "night terrors" and should not be over-analyzed or over-dramatized. It is a sleep phenomenon similar to sleep-walking, in that it does not occur during REM sleep (when vivid dreams and nightmares tend to occur) but during Stage 4 sleep, which is the deepest level of...