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  1. M

    Ultimate best state V.2, CA vs TX vs NY vs FL Ranked behind De La Salle and Poly
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    wtf h4x?
  3. M

    College Freshman?

    I go there. Shoot me a pm, ill buy you beer.
  4. M

    Have you ever done drugs?

    el oh el. same with acid.... i don't see shit really, things are just different, like more intense
  5. M

    What kind of milk do you like?

    one no one no one Can get in the way of what I'm feeling No one no one no one Can get in the way of what I feel for you You you Can get in the way of what I feel for you Whole milk is 3.5%. Jeeeez
  6. M

    i want a tattoo, need suggestions

    Get a tatoo with like "Est..." and your date of birth
  7. M

    Planet Nibiru?

    I will never forgive the scientific community for removing Pluto as a planet.
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    all your threads belong to uber

    And I thought my life sucked.
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    The Paedo Bear Appreciation Thread

    that guy is epic. Leave him out of this.
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    Excitement Thread.

    clicked on the ST link for the first time aka sold my soul to the devil :dodgyrun:
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    Cybernation V5.0

    He didn't, system did because his other thread got too many posts.
  12. M

    I want my Mac-n-Cheese

    ya thats great you reported me. WHO GIVES A LEAP FROG. like keep it to yourself dude no one will think youu're cool because you report som1 then make a useless post stateing so.
  13. M

    rasterabtion idears

  14. M

    How does salt water help you with purging?

    For what I've heard, it tastes really bad and just makes you want to throw up after drinking some. I think you need to drink quite about 3-4 glasses of it, before you might throw up. :)
  15. M

    Is exercising 3 days a week enough to lose weight?

    That's enough, but try upping the intensity once in a while, so your body wont adapt. Also do other exercises sometimes, like biking or swimming. (;
  16. M

    i feel so fat but i really dont have time to go to a gym and ive been trying...

    Well if you failed eating healthier, how would you ever stick to a diet then? Do your best in eating healthy foods and dont smash your head if you eat something "bad". Try to do some kind of exercise like running, walking, biking etc. when you can. Even 10 minutes will make a difference if you...
  17. M

    I need to get a better butt. I need to know what is the best exercise and amount...

    Squats worked wonders for me. 3 x 12. Do that 3 times a week. And some deadlifts too. 3 x 15 reps. It will lift your butt and make it much firmer. :)
  18. M

    I've been eating super healthy however.....?

    Are you eating lots of dairy? That could be it. Or else you can try the master cleanse.
  19. M

    Do stars/celebrities deserve their privacy like everyone else?

    I think they deserve privacy. They are humans like everybody else. I would go crazy!