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    Which Uni has the most promiscuous girls?

    if you're looking for easy girls, you'd probably be better off going on a couple of nights out. just think, it'll be cheaper than uni..
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    Alt F4?

    Go to all the posts you want to quote, and at the bottom NEXT to where it says quote, there are the little quotation marks. Hit them(Should turn green) on every post you want to quote, then hit "quote" on the last post you want to quote and your good to go
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    ST: What are some Frat pledging stories you know?

    its funny cause half of the people talking shit have never been a part of the greek system. Down here in Georgia, fraternity guys don't pop the collar or wear baggy cargo shorts with flip flops. we're not all douchebags
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    Band Trip 80+ kids and instruments on 1 schoolbus *PIC*

    She looks like some sort of white ape.
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    If you had $1,000,000...

    i'd buy a DBS, pay off the rest of my schooling, and invest the rest.
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    GIRLS - What do you think of my new, leaner body? (Serious)

    Did I say *I* trained for an external thing? No. unlike you
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    Riddles for you!

    They were driving a hearse and the wife died of suffocation because all of the windows were closed?
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    A tinch of water got on my Iphone?

    I have a Iphone 3G and today one Ice Cube melted on my phone, once I picked up the phone I noticed that the screen was a bit damp, at that time the screen was black with the apple logo it stayed on the screen for a few minutes then shortly the normal screen came on. Once later I came back to my...
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    Recycle them for cash, buy bleach with said cash, drink bleach.:tup:
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    What would you have been called had you been the opposite sex?

    My mum liked Callum, which is quite a nice name I think. She also mentioned Connor, but I'm not so keen on that. It's not appalling but I'm just not fussed on Ns. ... For some reason my younger brother got neither of these, and was named Liam (which is pretty close to another name my mum...
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    I want meh cocaine naio (drink)

    smart man
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    How do i look my own age?

    I am 20 years old and people keep mistaking me for 16 or younger. I had Graves disease when i was younger and that is why my height is 4'11. I wondering b/c i had Graves disease did it stop me from growing taller and growing older in my face.? My friend Erica who had Graves too and other...
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    What kind of meals or snacks should I eat if i want to be eating healthy?

    Are there any types of recipes or snacks i should try if i want to be eating healthy? (i don't mean lean cuisines or the south beach diet, those are really gross. I just mean like any recipes that are low in fat and higher in fiber, or sumthin like that. Understand what i'm asking?)
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    what is wrong with me fish ? 10 points for best answer?

    my female guppy is acting very bad she is kind of death because she swim like a shark and kind of slow , also she is always hidding from males more than other females she is skinny ass hell!!!!!!!!!!! i really mean it none of the males likes her and i amtired of her of not get pregnant she is...
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    Can my crowntailed betta be in my 10 gallon tank with my other fish?

    betas dont like other bettas. but you told me earlier that the guramis were eating the other fish so if you take them out it sould be fine. the guramis need to be taken out anyways
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    What is the most entertaining fresh water fish to watch?

    I am getting a new fish but it has to be a fresh water fish. which one should I get?
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    I am gettting a new iphone , and i have all my numbers saved to my sim card but

    . . .? I am getting a new iphone 3g and i have all my numbers saved to my sim but do i have to re save all my numbers to my iphone over again ?
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    How can I stop eating??

    All i do is eat.... i eat fairly healthy, and i don't pig out alot, but it just seems like im never full!!
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    When should a be concerned for my dog about a hawk in my back yard?

    I have a yorkie poo and she is about ten pounds. We have recently seen hawks swoop down and come about 8 feet away from her when she's out side. The hawk is a little bigger then average sized. Should I be worried about it killing my dog ?