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  1. F

    Can someone explain this joke to me?

    Can someone explain this joke to me? "What's the hardest thing about rollerblading? Telling your parents you're gay." And also I saw someone switch rollerblading for skiing, does that make a difference, if so can you tell me?
  2. F

    how do i get around the vent hood code in a small restaurant?

    it will just cost too much to install at my ideal location, and i am hoping if maybe i use electrical counter top appliances i wouldn't need a hood because they aren't considered large appliances. could i get away with it? let me worry about efficiency.
  3. F

    Major League Baseball has new rules about smokeless tobacco What do you...

    ...think about this? and why ? they are allowed to chew but not infront of reporters so that kids don't do the same, do you think chewing tabacco is dangerous
  4. F

    Has anyone seen the new fashion designs on quirky?
  5. F

    My boyfriends sense of humor is very dry and sarcastic...I take it personally. Help?

    He's very sarcastic with a very dry sense of humor, and I take things quite personally so as you can imagine that sometimes is a problem. It's been over a year that we've been dating and I STILL don't really understand his sarcasm and dry sense of humor, so I feel insulted sometimes and feel...
  6. F

    Aren't my clown fish supposed to be fighting each other?

    That's a good thing. Watch them though in case they turn on each other. Don't ask for the worst, be happy that they are peaceful towards each other.
  7. F

    earthquake AAAAHHH

    I lol'd.
  8. F

    so, is he dead or no?

    Johnson City?! That's like 30 from me and I just heard about this this morning. Neat since it's close to me, but I still dgaf. The Jewish Center in Norwich > This guy
  9. F

    PB Nation Football team

    Meh OL, DL, and Centa.
  10. F

    bloody huge spider in my house

  11. F

    Help !!! 3 Types Of Cancer Caused By Bad Nutrition ?!?

    Colon cancer, Pancreatic cancer and stomach cancer.
  12. F

    math question of the day

    hes been a member for like 2 weeks
  13. F

    How to clean my dish strainer?

    Yes, bleach kills mold on contact and it also disinfects surfaces.
  14. F

    Fat kid fight

    Well the fat kid ended up getting a titty twister and tapped out.
  15. F

    Upcoming Verizon Android?

    Does anybody know of any upcoming android phone on Verizon (preferably htc) for this fall/early winter? beside the htc "Merge"!?
  16. F

    Best Superhero?

    he could if he wanted to. the guy has unlimited endurance, has the best fighting skill and has his unbreakable shield. the guy defeated hilter for crying out loud plus thats the reason he is the leader of the avengers
  17. F

    Is this old i have been living under a rock?

    It's a cyst, and yes you have been living under a rock.
  18. F

    NXT2 Rookies help me?

    Is it me or NXT2 is really boring something is missing I think the Nexus has set a high standard and I do know if any other rookies can match them at this time.
  19. F

    wouldn't it be great if at least ONE prophecy came true?i mean really?;_ylt=Al4FfS.5Wds_sxEpGX0PI0us0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNudjQydDloBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwODAxL3VzX2NlbGxtYXRlX3NsYXlpbmcEY2NvZGUDbW9zdHBvcHVsYXIEY3BvcwM2BHBvcwMzBHB0A2hvbWVfY29rZQRzZWMDeW5faGVhZGxpbmVfbGlzdARzbGsDaW5tYXRld2hvc2Fp Revelation...