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  1. K

    Worlds most expensive/technologic yacht

    well it looks like the sails come out by themselves, in which case it would definitely be the most technologically advanced boat out there
  2. K

    Whats more Taboo? Meeting your partner online, or at a bar?

    I think in now a days society the online dating isnt bad anymore. In fact it is a good thing because it helps you narrow your results down. Ive met all my old GF's at bars, mostly one night stands that turned into relationships and they all ended horribly. So i think the bar option is more...
  3. K

    Poll: Do you think the flow of information is going to fast for it's own good?

    BQ: Do you think it makes people more impatient? Lol ;) were? It's actually we're, player.
  4. K

    Tabacco products.

    i still only see 3...
  5. K

    Poll: True o False ......We comlicate things....?

    then figure them out .... to feel intelligent
  6. K

    Poll: Name a song you like but the lyrics make no sense?

    @ Ben that was the exact song I was thinking of.
  7. K

    6 flags and coke cans????

    Yeah, it's just wierd boob lighting
  8. K

    Help! I Need To Write An Essay Plan For Tomorrow!

    Yeah its for media. Im such an idiot. Ive had 2 months off and only just remembered it so im running around like a blue arsed fly trying to find everything!!!
  9. K

    Is Santa Claus Gay???

    hahahaha, yeah why not.
  10. K

    POLL: How do you pronounce "tour"?

    I say "too-er" Or do you say "tore"
  11. K

    What a good first car stereo system ? ?

    Its a 1991 BMW 325I E36 if that changes anything. :)
  12. K

    Boobies, Bras & Bedtime Poll *Girls Only Please*

    Boobies, Bras & Bedtime Poll *Girls Only Please* If i could i wouldnt wear one at all ever, but mine need controlling :(
  13. K

    how much is the monthly or yearly subscription in california gym,fitness first

    &golds in malaysia? in KL, and also what are their addresses
  14. K

    Have you heard this joke?

    The bear then kills the man with his big paws* and then asks the horse, "why the long face?"
  15. K

    Im hosting a Trailer Trash Party in my mobile home. What type of drinks...

    Hot dogs, Koolaid, and watermelon fer desert.
  16. K

    Cichlids getting darker in color?

    I've started an African Cichlid 55 gallon tank. I have had one cichlid for quite a while. He gets lighter when I add chemicals (like pH up or something) to the tank, but he gets darker and darker and his fins light up eletric blue when I turn the lights on. Today I got a leopard spotted...