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  1. F

    ST, rate my sandwich!

    i already ate the sammich and it was delicious. but ok the only reason i used the crappy white bread is cuz we just ran out of the good rolls from the bakery.
  2. F

    It seems that our very own Milky Way galaxy is for sale

    That's not the Milky Way in the product picture box. It's a scam, be careful!!!
  3. F

    i want to setup a economical steam room at my gym pls advice whom to...,iam from kerala..? whom to contact,its price,warranty,requirements,support,installation
  4. F

    Only in Canada....

    wow you guys laugh at this? You're all fucked in the head u sick fuckers. Imagine if it was you or your brother or cousin. Would u still be giggling?
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    How many hours did you spend on the computer today

    There is no survey. I'll say 5. Edit: 3-5.
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    favorite webcomics

    Cyanide and happiness is great, they do not only have great comics but awesome articles, interactive stories and movies.
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    BEES, do they know?

    do humans know that when they go to war to protect their country they might die in battle? we need more threadsaving pics now
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    Do your parents STILL act like Santa exists?

    im santa bitch, well on the 21st, 24th, and 25th i am, in a costume, someone please kill me:dodgy:
  9. F

    neeed an amazing name for my frisbee team

  10. F

    Funny School Papers/Essays

    Already tried that last night, I figured someone here would know the website, maybe not, but worth a try. Thanks for the recommendation though
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    Is A Mid-Life Crisis Possible For A 24 Year Old?

    Is A Mid-Life Crisis Possible For A 24 Year Old? Long story short - My life goals have been "delayed" for about five years from when I wanted to achieve them (I will be a minimum of 29 before I can get it). As such, I just keep thinking that my youth will be over and I will be in mid-age...
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    Is A Mid-Life Crisis Possible For A 24 Year Old?

    Long story short - My life goals have been "delayed" for about five years from when I wanted to achieve them (I will be a minimum of 29 before I can get it). As such, I just keep thinking that my youth will be over and I will be in mid-age soon after I begin a career. Nothing in my life -...
  13. F

    I Feel Deep-Rooted Anxiety Over My Future. Any Help Out There?

    I am 24 and about to graduate with my bachelor's in finance and management. I have been admitted to two types of grad programs next September - Journalism and Teaching. Journalism is a deep-rooted passion of mine, but it is, even in the best economies, VERY VERY COMPETITIVE to find a job -...
  14. F

    Weed becoming legal?? Or just rumors?

    Is weed really about to become legal in California?? I mean, I know that there has always been rumors, but I have been hearing ALOT about it lately. If it does become legal, wouldn't like nearly half of the USA's population move there haha??
  15. F

    I need help with my internet settings!!?

    My wireless internet shows as a unsecured network, so anybody with a laptop can access my internet. How do I make it a secure network so that it requires a security code?
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    What Should I Do If My Girlfriend (Future Wife) And I Disagree Politically?

    She is liberal and I am conservative. I know that Arnold and Maria are polar political opposites and they make it work. But how?
  17. F

    Too tall for Navy racks and Navy boats?

    I am 6'7 and 225 pounds of pure beast. (Only kidding about the beast, relax) But no, I am really that size. Will I be screwed on the ships and especially the berthing racks??
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    how long does your period last?

    i only stay on for 3 days, sometimes only 2! x
  19. F

    everyone is bisexual!?

    i recently read that at least once in your life you are attracted to the same sex as you.. in theory, making everyone in the world bisexual. do you agree with this statement? :) x
  20. F

    Was "Jerry Ford's Word Good"?

    According to U.S. President George H.W. Bush (R-TX) at the state funeral of U.S. President Gerald R. "Jerry" Ford (R-MI) (who, coincidentally, died two years ago yesterday, on the 26th), "Jerry Ford's word was good." Is this true? Was "Jerry Ford's word good"?