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    LGBT: If you met me and I had a good personality, would you give me a chance?

    Based on this picture, If I had a good personality that you liked, would you give me a chance if I asked you out on a date? Well I am 18 and I don't have the eyebrow piercing anymore.
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    One of my closest friends just told me he is gay. What can I do to help him? Does...

    You should really take a look at this site. It helped me a lot. Look in the pink side bad on the left. Look under friend, then gay. Also you can't be turned gay.
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    Straight Guys:Have you ever been sexually harassed by a gay guy?

    He probaly thought you were gay. Just tell him your not into guys and be nice about it. He's not some sick freak. You make him sound like he will give you a disease. Just because a gay guy touches you won't make you gay.
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    Gay Guys: Post a Picture of who you think is the Hottest Male Celeb?

    This should be fun, write the name then post the link to a picture of who you (gay guys) think is the hottest male celeb. Here is who I think is the hottest. I would have to say Devid Beckham. Here is the photo...
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    I just told my friend I was bisexual and now he won't talk to me =(?

    There isn't much you can do in my opinion. He might just need some time to think about it. But if he ends up not being ok with it, you might have to just let him go. He wasn't much of a friend anyway then.
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    Is it true that gay men do not have an?

    Why would you think it is not possible, it is 100 true. I have never been turned on or gotten an erection from women. I do not find them attractive. You could put a p u s s y on my face and what would I do, throw up! Now put a c o c k on my face and I might just start licking. Happy Holidays.
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    Connecting to the Internet: Error with the Values?

    I gave my old computer to my friend and she called the ISP and they hooked up the phone jacks and the equipment they said she would need. (It is DSL high speed) Well I gave her the computer this afternoon (it is running windows xp). Well she called me and said it said something like "error with...
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    What other celebrities are lesbians?

    I know of: Rosie O'Donnel Ellen
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    Who would your gay mistletoe fantasy celebrity kiss be?

    Neil Patrick Harris, Justin Timberlake, David Bechkam....many, lol.
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    Are gays helping or hurting their cause?

    I hope for gay rights.
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    IF I am pregnant by a gay male?

    That Tara girl is horrible. I'm not sure where gay adoption is legal in the US, but I know it is in all of Canada.
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    Is there any free software for printing greeting cards?

    I'm not exactly sure...but try 123 greetings.
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    What is a good digital camera?

    What is a good digital camera with as many features as possible, for around 500 dollars? Also where can I buy it? I'm looking for a really good camera.
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    How do I set up a wireless internet?

    I'm getting a laptop soon and I want to set up a wireless internet connection. I know I need a wireless router, but I am confused. Currently I have DSL. My desktop computer hooks up into a box that is called eternet. In the back of the ethernet box is a slot where a normal size phone cord goes...