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  1. M

    Is Jimmy Carter the Anti-Christ?

    Hello, No, I heard he was to be back in the 70's but he never delivered. Cheers, Michael Kelly
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    Does anyone seriously believe that Islam predates Judaism and Christianity?

    Hello, Well in history during my school days we were taught Judaism got going about 4000 years ago, Christianity 2000 years ago and Islam in the 6th century about 1500 years ago. Do the math. Cheers, Michael Kelly
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    How would you react if someone spread rumors about you?

    Hello, Thank them because as Oscar Wilde once said, the only thing more horrific than being talked about is not being talked about at all. Cheers, Michael Kelly
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    Why aren't there more resources for debunking Judaism?

    Hello, Because most Jews are well educated in theology and can give any of us Christians a good run for our money. You'd have to be way up high on the theological pecking order to cross swords with them effectively if at all. Cheers, Michael Kelly
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    If the Indian girls are a Sell-Out.. Why do Indian guys care?

    Hello, What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander in my books. Cheers, Michael Kelly
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    Why do people dismiss valid questions as rants?

    Hello, Unfortunately, even in my day there are many people not educated in the fundamentals of logic, hence they walk into the fallacies of emotional appeal and ad hominem not realizing they are making invalid arguments. Cheers, Michael Kelly
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    What is the difference between whining and complaining?

    Hello, Remember the Archie Bunker show? Well Archie was a complainer whilst his daughter was a whiner. A lot has to do with the tone of voice. Cheers, Michael Kelly
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    Catholicism and Judaism?

    Hello, 1) You need to find some qualified teachers I'm afraid and have yours fired. Catholicism is the largest branch of Christianity. Its like saying I was never taught about a country any greater than the USA and California. Protestantism is yet another branch of Christianity with 30,000...
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    Car audio amp not working right?

    Ok, so i have two 12" 1000Watt speakers and i just bought a 2 channel 2000W amp, I figured that it would put both speakers at 1000W, well when each 4Ohm is on a seperate channel it sounds like crap and weak, but when only one channel is hooked up, it sounds great. So how can i make both channels...
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    connect pc to ps3 via bluetooth?

    If a ps3 controller connects via bluetooth to the ps3, is it possible to trick a ps3 into pairing a bluetooth enabled computer? I know the ps3 bluetooth is for accessories, so a computer program could be made to send controller commands to the ps3 like a remote?
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    Why are black people still whining about racism when slavery ended like

    Hello, Simply because in every day life many whites (especially in the oil patch where I work) still have the attitude: Black is beautiful Tan is grand But white is the color Of the big boss man! Cheers, Michael Kelly
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    why don't men kiss women's hands any more when greeting?

    Hello, With a lot of the non English cultures you get a kiss on the cheek and I have no complaints about that. Kissing as hand makes a guy look too ostentatious and a show off trying to be the big caballero he may or may not be. Habits in society do evolve. Cheers, Michael Kelly
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    why don't men kiss women's hands any more when greeting?

    Hello, With a lot of the non English cultures you get a kiss on the cheek and I have no complaints about that. Kissing as hand makes a guy look too ostentatious and a show off trying to be the big caballero he may or may not be. Habits in society do evolve. Cheers, Michael Kelly
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    Christians what do you think about this quote?

    Hello, As a Christian I say the quote is a cop out for not hauling your own a ss and accomplishing things in life. God also wants us to use the brains he gave us. Cheers, Michael Kelly
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    Do you lose your application purchases after a system restore on an iphone?

    When i was downloading the new itunes my iphone crashed and needed a system restore. Do I have to pay for my purchases again?
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    Low seat height sport bikes?

    you probably know this, but the Kawasaki Ninja comes in a 250 and a 500. they're good bikes to learn on, very affordable, reliable, and since they've made a gazillion of them, you'll always have parts/service available when you need them.
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    why the jews in israel rejected christ and trying to kill him,but the...

    Hello, 1) We do not really know how many Jews in that region rejected or accepted Jesus. From the crowds mentioned that greeted him going into Jerusalem, one could see that he may have been rather popular with the masses. It looks like just a segment of the society on the higher and mightier...
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    Which country do you believe has the best sense of humor?

    Hello Bryan, LOL, even though I'm Irish in blood I have to give this honor to England hands down! The first people they can laugh and make fun of is themselves. Cheers, Michael Kelly
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    What are the biggest advantages in life if I convert to judaism ?

    Hello, The fact that you will have to be very serious, work hard at it and learn something in order to become Jewish. The Jews do not evangelize and the rabbi will initially discourage you at first asking why the hell you would want to change horses in mid stream. If you persist you'll get...