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  1. C

    i just bought a motorola q for page plus wireless?

    afer just purchasing this motorola the dealer then contacted page plus to swich the service over to it. I still have no service on it. i know with my blackberry i har to go into the settings and register it . Is it the same with this one is their something i have to do?
  2. C

    Where can i buy nice summer dresses size 6-8 that aren't too expensive?

    I need some pretty but slightly casual summer dresses that aren't cheap and tacky but not expensive They need to provide dresses sized 6 and 8 I would prefer it if they have an online shop where i could purchase my clothes. thanks
  3. C

    My mom got pulled over for using a cellphone need help with this question?

    she will have to prove (from her cell phone provider, phone must be in her name or there is no proof) that the phone was not in use at the time the officer pulled her over (time should be listed on the ticket). Judges always take the cops word over the persons. So you have to provide concrete...
  4. C

    Why does the Homo community feel offended with a comment "that's gay?"?

    I just dont like it because subconciously or conciously it associates being gay with bad things... also the fact that so little is done about it annoys me... Kids at school say "Thats so Gay" all the time, teachers say nothing, if they said "Thats so black!" or "Thats so muslim" how much trouble...
  5. C

    Why do Republicans think glenn beck is god?

    your generalizing. many republicans do not watch FAUX news at all.
  6. C

    How can rethuglicans complain about Obama's first 7 months?

    true conservatives were not fooled by Dubya. I was screaming my heart out when cheney was in charge of this nation.
  7. C

    myspace is it me or...........?

    its called targeted advertising. the website keeps key words that you type into your search bar, or save files while you are signed in and advertises per your preferences. creepy huh?!
  8. C

    Followers of Christ: How do these verses apply to current events?

    We are definitely in those times. People would rather listen to tv evangelists or pastors who speak uplifting messages than to anyone who speaks the truth plainly. Or some will go from one church to another seeking another "experience". This is not how it should be. Thanks for the question.
  9. C

    To those who love the Lord Jesus Christ...?

    Often my initial feeling toward someone treating me as an enemy is not love. But by faith I do what the word says to -- I pray for them and do good to them. I find that as I do this, the bad feelings go away and I am left with true concern and love from the heart. This is truth, but not always...
  10. C

    Is there ANYTHING of value that cannot be found in Christ alone?

    BTW, thumbs down aren't coming from me (never know these days with Yahoo).
  11. C

    What to wear to a dish network call center interview?

    I have worked in many call centers. a full suit would be a little much unless you are going for a manager position. I have seen people come in and wear jeans and a t shirt and get the job. The attire for most of those places is business casual so as long as you look nice you will do great.
  12. C

    What to wear to a dish network call center interview?

    I have worked in many call centers. a full suit would be a little much unless you are going for a manager position. I have seen people come in and wear jeans and a t shirt and get the job. The attire for most of those places is business casual so as long as you look nice you will do great.
  13. C

    What is your opinion of Chinese students laughing at Geithner today?

    He never elaborated to what "safe" ment. i am sure the chinese students are well aware of the chinese gov. eminent domain rights.
  14. C

    What readings do you suggest about why income tax was introduced?

    it had to do with paying for the war. it was never ment to be forever. the 16th amendment was never ratified by the states..itis null and void. but they have the guns, so we keep paying.
  15. C

    when is the next season of lost due to be on television?

    im just wondering does anybody know more about it
  16. C

    when is the next season of lost due to be on television?

    im just wondering does anybody know more about it
  17. C

    Rogers is charging me an extra $525 for my cancellation fee. I was told $200 at

    first. what do I do? I called them about it and explained that I had called previous to cancelling and asked about the cancellation fee and I was told I'd have to pay $200. So I cancelled and I get stuck with a $626.60 phone bill. They say I have no choice but to pay for it. I am not paying...
  18. C

    LESBIAN AND BISEXUAL GIRLS: what do you think of girls with braces?

    gah i got them too :( They hurt dont they! Personally i wouldnt kiss another girl who had braces while i had them (too many horror stories about them getting caught and i dont fancy explaining that one to me dad) But if i didnt have them i wouldnt have an issue my ex before last had them...