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  1. E

    how much does an LG Chocolate Strawberry cost?

    The LG Chocolate 3 was recently released, the current price is $179 with a 2 year contract.
  2. E

    Are you fearful of the future? I'm scared that I will be a loser and fail at being...

    No , i am not. No you shouldnt. The only way that will happen is if you think like you will be a loser. Everyone is a loser and a winner. Just keep a emergency funds .... Example Bill makes 50$ a day Should bill put 25$ in the bank? or spend it all if you put 25$ in the bank each day you...
  3. E

    Why do we Need all the food groups?

    cant we just eat alot of vitamins and then eat what ever we want that is healthy? It seems so much simpler and more cost effective then eating like 5 veggies and 5 fruit perday. Also can i drink my needed veggies and fruit per day?
  4. E

    What is the story behind the missing toddler?

    I keep catching bits and pieces of the story on cnbc and larry king but am not quite sure what happened. Can someone fill me in with a brieft summary? thanks
  5. E

    Fishing line?

    I want to use fireline with a monofilament leader on my reel. What is the best knot to connect the two lines? thanks
  6. E

    How do you train a dog to ring a bell when she has to pee?

    I have a 2 year old dog who is potty trained but she does not know how to communicate with me when she needs to go outside. She is potty trained and does not bark at all. What usually happens is she runs down in the basement when no one is looking and pees in the corner and then when let...
  7. E

    Computer problem?

    Whenever I type stuff on my comptuer (typing in a website or typing a message on aim) the insertion bar will freeze for a second and then unfreeze then freeze again.. etc. I dont know what is causing it. thanks