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  1. M

    How can I convert m4r iPhone ringtones to mp3?

    I just got a Samsung Galaxy SIII to replace my iPhone and would like to convert my .m4r iPhone ringtones to .mp3 so I can use them on my new phone. I've found plenty of programs and instructions for converting from .mp3 to .m4r but not the other way. There has to be something out there. I can't...
  2. M

    Don't you love it when people rant on about race and call "latino" a race?

    The term has changed in meaning quite a bit over the centuries. Originally Latins were the people who lived in ancient Italy, in the area of what became Rome. Now a Latino can be anyone who speaks a Romance language, which includes Italian, French, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese, Spanish, and...
  3. M

    Top Gun... Remake or sequel... A Sequel has been in the works for some time

    According to IMDB there's a sequel in the development stage, no actors attached to the project yet. If it takes place in the present it would have to be set at NAS Fallon, NV. That's where they do the training now. It's not quite as scenic as NTC San Diego, which doubled for NAS Miramar.
  4. M

    A little government quiz?

    executive, legislative, judicial
  5. M

    Why do all the real questions on here only get like 7 responses and rants get 20?

    If you get 7 responses for a serious question that's a big turnout. I've seen quite a few serious questions that only get 1 or 2 responses. It seems that many people don't want to invest the time that it takes to answer a serious question, it requires more thought, and some fact checking.
  6. M

    If the market can regulate itself, how come Taco Bell "beef" is mostly sand?

    The market will regulate itself. If enough people decide that Taco Bell is deceiving them, and stop eating there, the company will suffer. Of course this is almost nothing compared to what Jack in the Box went through in the past.
  7. M

    Why are the only people that argue the plight of rich people mostly not-rich GOP

    Last I checked, they're still Americans, no more no less than everyone else. Because they make more money, they deserve to keep lower percentage of what they earn than anyone those who make less? It seems that the other side are always using the argument that, they're rich, they can afford to...
  8. M

    Why is i that the wealthy are no complaining about the expiration of Bush tax...

    Everyone seems to be so worried about what they have to realise that class warfare benefits no one. Divided, we are easier for the politicians to manipulate. One party tells one group, look, they have too much and need to share that with the rest of us, and another tells the other group, look...
  9. M

    how can i record YouTube videos to dvd?

    Hi, I want to record videos, with sound, from You Tube and other sites to my hard drive and then to dvd to play on my TV. Can anyone advise the best way or know of any free software? Many thks!
  10. M

    biologist use evolution to make predictions about what they will find and have...

    Scientists have been wrong on numerous occasions, too numerous to count. They, like everyone else, aren't perfect and they make mistakes, like all of us do. Most people understand that, and don't expect scientists to be perfect. Most people believe that there is a case for evolution, but...
  11. M

    When people greet disappointments with 2nd Amendment solutions (Baltimore),

    It is, only if you accept the notion that people are mindless sheep and incapable of making their own decisions, and shouldn't be held accountable for their own actions.
  12. M

    Whos the better quarterback...Brees or Rogers?

    That depends on a lot. I think the situation a quarterback is in often times makes him look better than he is and often times makes him look worse than he is. If you put a gun to my head and demand an answer I have to give the nod to Brees, but hesitantly. I think Aaron Rogers is going to be...
  13. M

    Whos the better quarterback...Brees or Rogers?

    That depends on a lot. I think the situation a quarterback is in often times makes him look better than he is and often times makes him look worse than he is. If you put a gun to my head and demand an answer I have to give the nod to Brees, but hesitantly. I think Aaron Rogers is going to be...
  14. M

    Why did Nixon introduce the fiat policy in 1971?

    We dropped the gold standard as the deficit grew and gold reserves started to dwindle. He felt that remaining on the gold standard would cause a collapse of our economy. Franklin Roosevelt also dropped us of the gold standard for a time, for the same reasons.
  15. M

    Do you think Americans would have a better grasp of the world if they traveled...

    People could get broader view the world if they traveled abroad, not necessarily to just developing countries. Have traveled to to about 17 different countries, many of them developing, and it has broadened my horizons.
  16. M

    Nikita Khrushchev once told the U.S. "We will bury you". Was he referring to a

    We seem to be headed in that general direction, but he did assume that the Soviet Union would be around to witness it. Of course we don't need them to bury us, we'll be doing that on our own.
  17. M

    What do climate change sceptics tell their children when they ask about the...

    I would tell them to question everything, even the things they believe. Learning begins with a question, and when you simply accept what you're being told, you learn nothing.
  18. M

    How can i watch live MLB games of Rays vs Blue Jays online?

    try going to
  19. M

    Will I Be Able To Palm A Basketball?

    you just have to hope your hand grows