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    Mercedes Benz C63 or BMW M5?

    Which is the better car in your opinion?
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    Has your moms cooking ever?

    The alarm is off right now, I can barely hear myself typing.
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    POLL: Do you think this video is funny or just downright embarassing? Make sure you scroll down to see the video. Embarassing I tell ya! Embarassing to the human race. hahahhahahahhaha
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    Why the hell is this so funny to me?

    Lol, when I first watched that I was ammused... but it wasn't funny at sister was laughing so hard though... Btw..doesn't that Black guy look SOOO familiar?? Its been REALLY bothering me. Tell me and I'll give you BA for your answer to my question..
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    POLL: How ANGRY do you get when your plans fail?

    Because your sick..UGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH! SHT I have an effing fever...FML! UGGGGGGGGGH
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    Have you ever looked through your contacts/fans newbie questions?

    And see what kind of questions they asked when they first started this? Lol.
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    Whats the funniest stereotype you've ever heard about your race?

    We have flat noses. Well I don't... Oh and also, we are ghetto fabul0us wasteyutes.` hay ThugLife.
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    Cramp POLL: Tylenol or Advil?

    Advil all the way nikkuhs
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    Am i the only one who misses Boy Meets World?

    Omg that show was honestly the best show ever!
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    Background on Rookies...?

    DeRozan will win rookie of the year, hes a future star.
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    Ramadan: Is Politics Halal in Islam?

    I hope no Muslim should answer your filthy question!
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    Ramadan: Is Politics Halal in Islam?

    I hope no Muslim should answer your filthy question!
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    Ramadan: Is Politics Halal in Islam?

    I hope no Muslim should answer your filthy question!
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    brothers and sister, what is that special something u look for in ur future...

    - A good Muslimah, I want her to encourage me to be the best Muslim possible. That support will mean alot to me as I dont have any at the moment. - Shares the housework and lets me go to work, lets me be independent -kind Cute - Is kind, honest and caring to my parents. - Is a good mother and...
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    Whats the best pick up line ever?

    I wanna know the best pick up line in the best situation? example: A HOTT FEMALE PULLS YOU OVER, AND YOUR FIRST REPLY IS WILL YOU ARREST ME!!!
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    Vodafone internet broken?

    Hi, my sony ericcsson's internet doesn't work. It hasn't for a while now. It says, 'if problem persists contact operator for support'. How do i do this? it has neverworked. Everythings a help, thnx.
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    How do you connect your ps3 to internet?

    Hi, how do you connect a 40GB ps3 to the internet? I have BT broadband, you have to plug a little stick into a USB port on my computer, would i have to do the same? Everythings a help, thnx. P.S: Please dont put spam about a FREE ps3 on here as it is not free, thnx. It has 4 wired sockets at...