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  1. F

    Is he being friendly or interested in me?

    Well best advice is to ignore him and he will come to you! it works for me! make him do the work. If he doesn't put in the effort then you'll know ur answer. If he does initiate contact with you often, and it can be obvious or subtle, you will know, and if you really like him back then take...
  2. F

    Why do creepy old men chat to 16 year old girls?

    how old're you?
  3. F

    What styles of electonic gadgets you like?

    In daily life,we always need some electronic gadgets,but what styles are coolest?
  4. F

    what was the last dvd you bought?

    today i bought the lost boys 2-disc special edition and pretty in pink: everything's duckie edition for $10 at walmart :D or bluerays :)
  5. F

    what is your favorite color of bell peppers?

    mine's yellow.
  6. F

    how much time do you spend using technology/gadgets during your day?

    ??? during the day i spend about an hour-ish watching tv. and i come on yahoo answers for about half an hour before bed. i'm not really into technology...
  7. F

    here is a joke. really funny!!!?

    heard it, its kinda old
  8. F

    Why does my dog gizmo keep biting at the same place and whimpering?

    He's most likely to have a sore or some sort of pain at that area. Definitely take him to the vet to have it checked out. Dogs don't pretend, they don't know how to. Congrats on having such and old dog too! Hope this helps and good luck!
  9. F

    how can I learn to tell when friends are joking?

    when friends tease me or ask me questions as jokes, i answer seriously. However, they are just joking. it's really hard for me to tell. I tend to take things to personally. The thing is i really don't like when people tease me about things even if it is a joke. I beat myself up for events so...
  10. F

    is there a soul mate out there for all of us being gay/lez etc?

    some of my friends tell me that they know people that didn't had anyone in there life's then die alone or didn't even work out can we really be alone with out anyone there? i do get the days i feel lost u know? like where that person next to me looking after me and makes me feel special for...
  11. F

    Wants to be on a mission-not sure what tho ?

    any tips what i could do on a mission in the world or somewhere close where i live?
  12. F

    What do you think a celebrity should look like?

    They should definitely have a head with a face on it.
  13. F

    samsung omnia verse env2?

    I want a cool phone but i also want a phone that works and does its job well, which is to call people. Which phone is better overall? why? im the main person on my plan so both phones are free for me, completely disregard price. the omnia has a 5.0 mg camera and also has a full qwerty keyboard...
  14. F

    whats my bluetooth password, bluetooth in my laptop!?

    when i'm sending some pictures to my mobile from laptop ....its asking for the password and i don't know the to see?
  15. F

    why does uncovered pudding develop a skin?

    what is the reason for this?
  16. F

    I'm worried about the health of my teeth?

    Growing up, I was in and out of foster homes and youth shelters. I won't go into it, but my parents were deemed unfit, so I had a really bad childhood because of it. I wasn't really taught good oral hygiene habits, and as a young adult (20) now, it's still hard for me. I am lucky if I brush my...
  17. F

    The majority of my family is dirt poor and all family holidays and get togethers...

    ...fall in the lap of the ones that choose to work, save for a rainy and spend their money wisely. I know it could all be gone over night but there is some resentment building up. For instance, we live almost two hours away but spend our gas money and buy food to fix when we get there so we...
  18. F

    Learn to scream?

    Hey just wondering how do you learn to scream in screamo music?? as much help as possible please
  19. F

    Can you buy salvia in hollywood/LA?

    Well, I have some blooming in my garden, so I'm assuming you can purchase it nearly anywhere.
  20. F

    i can't download internet explorer 7?

    i've tried to download internet explorer 7 but everytime i do it says that c:\documents and settings\Obli\local settings\temporary internet files\content:IE5\EDK9Y567-Windows xp-x86-ita(1) is not a valid win 32 other cases that the language of the operative system is not supported...