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  1. G

    Can my penis tell the future?

    if you use it, it probably will eventually.
  2. G

    I have a annotaion on my B1B2 visa "Spouse of a seaman"Can i travel to US

    yes, although if you travel by yourself, you may get more questions at the airport.
  3. G

    Some historians argue that American Immigration policies be viewd as restritive?

    Their origins were absolutely restrictive. Modern immigration law traces its origins to the effort to stop Chinese immigration in the 19th century. it never occured to anyone that the Chinese laborers who came to work on the railroad wouldn't leave and would bring in more behind them. The so...
  4. G

    If you're a republican or a democrat, can you vote for Ron Paul?

    some places have open primaries. however, by the time the national elections come along, neither Republicans nor Democrats will have the opportunity to vote for him.
  5. G

    what are some upcoming technologies you're interested and why?

    what are some upcoming technologies you're interested and why?
  6. G

    Any fav yo mama jokes? Competition?

    Yep, all says in the title! a Yo Mama Joke Competition! Send in what YOU think is the funniest yo mama joke, and on the 14th of June I will pick the funniest joke! Ok, ready, set... GO!!
  7. G

    What kind of proof would I need to show that I've met with my fiance within...

    It really depends on what you have. photos are good certainly. evidence that the two of you have been in the same place at the same time. plane tickes, visas, entry stamps.
  8. G

    1993 chevrolet suburban a/c trouble?

    yes on my suburban,when i turn my a/c on it will cool fine,but while i am going down the road for some reason the a/c will start blowing humid warm air out then after a few minutes it will start cooling again.i do not know what is causing this.i just bought the suburban not to long ago,i charged...
  9. G

    Radio Ground connection?

    Nah dude it will be easy to ground your radio.get you a small self tapping screw and a connector of some sort to crimp on to your ground wire.drill that self tapping screw into the frame of the car behind the radio itself and that should do it.
  10. G

    JONAS!!! QUESTION!! what religion?

    I know that they're white? and a bit indian.
  11. G

    How many weeks did Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On hold the #1 spot on VH1's top

    20 countdown? I remember Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On Set some sort of record for number of weeks at number 1 on VH1's Top 10 or 20 Countdown back in the 90s, but cant remember exactly how many. Does anyone know where I can find that?
  12. G

    How do I know if I need to adjust or if my Rx is too strong!?

    Ok, so I've never worn glasses in my life and I'm 30. I went to the eye doctor recently, because I have some problems reading & driving at night. When he did the eye exam I couldn't believe how much more clear and sharp things were. So he prescribed me glasses. The problem is, I'm having a...
  13. G

    Why is my xbox live movie download taking so long?

    maybe you should stop playing video games and find your self a job and a girlfriend...hope this helps
  14. G

    how to travel from UK to Italy?

    You must strive to journey by train never by plane because you might have yourself stuck in line for overabundant of hours.
  15. G

    Cool Games? I like Silent Hill, and Grand Theft Auto. What can be described as...

    how about you grow up and find your self a job and a girlfriend,,,why are you still playing video games....
  16. G

    Will Obama-style appeasement make America (and the West) safer ?

    Things will get even more precarious. Just read his last name! That really explains why you should be timorous
  17. G

    I make my own cigarettes.I buy the tobacco in a 6oz resealable plastic

    bag,how do I keep it fresh? It seems like after a day or so it goes stale.
  18. G

    Which celebrity do I look like???
  19. G

    How do i fix my psp's ablility to connect to the internet after installing

    custom firmware? Basically i install my custom firmware and go to look something up on my browser. I connect to the access point then begin obtaining the ip address and then the attempt times out or something like that And its not just with the browser. any attempt at connecting to the internet...
  20. G

    laptop usewith wireless internet for online gaming?

    can you use a laptop to play online games. i have the verizion wirless ps3 does not recondized the software from verizion.