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  1. C

    Change blackberry curve battery with a pearl flip? will it work?

    I have a blackberry curve 8330 and the part you put the charger in is loss so it wont charge, im not wanting to buy a new phone yet and my mom has a blackberry pearl flip, the batteries are different, but if they fit would it be okay to swap them so i can charge mine in her phone? lose**
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    How do I download movies from the internet (and what websites should I use)...

    ...onto DVD+R disks, using Bittorrent? I want to download movies from the internet (illegal, i know) to burn a DVD+R disk. I know I need to use Bittorrent to do so, but that's about all I know. How do I use the software and what websites would I use to get the movies? Do i need to convert...
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    when is the new episode of dog the bounty hunter/?

    when is the new episode of dog the bounty hunter?
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    I'm angry at my ex and it's causing problems in my new relationship; what do I do?

    I was with my ex for three years, he cheated on me and he is an aloholic. I'm in a relationship and me being angry at my ex isn't helping one bit. He worrys about me and my ex getting back together. I keep telling him he has nothing to worry about, that it will NEVER happen! Even if I talk about...
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    PROPHECY f.o.r.e.t.o.l.d. sweatshirt?

    Theres a sweatshirt that I've seen a few times that says "PROPHECY f.o.r.e.t.o.l.d." on it. and it had a picture of a sketched hand on it. this is the most random question ever but, does anyone know what it means? lol thanks.
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    when do jonas brothers Philadelphia tickets go on sale?

    just wondering when the tickets for Jonas Brothers World Tour- July 24th Philadelphia, PA concert go on sale. if they already didnt?
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    I get red spots scattered on my tummy during the winter?

    Ok, ever since I was a baby, I've been getting these spots on my tummy and some on my chest. They're itchy and if you pick them, they bleed. This only happens during cold seasons. I saw a doctor and at first they didn't know what it was. They recommended using antibacterial soap to wash my body...
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    im turning 16 soon and i need some party ideas.?

    im turning 16 in may and i can't think of any thing to do for a party
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    Where is a timing belt on a 1993 Infinity J30?

    What do you have to take off to get to it, and how hard is it to change?
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    Anybody want to buy an Honda Civic decent shape for 1500?

    We live in Rhea County Tennessee any questions just ask!!
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    Superbowl predictions?
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    cute ways to style short hair?

    my hair is like a an in or 2 past my chin..its in an awkward stage..where it just doesnt look right if i straighten it..but my hair is super thick so it takes me like an hour to curl ne cute ideas? i have tried using head bands and clips..and i would just like some other ideas! thnk u!
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    Is there a way to make your phone format like the iphone ?

    I have the Lg Vu and I have heard of people changing their phone display to be the iphone. I was just wondering if there was a way to do that for my phone and if there is how?
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    Iphone mod? I don't understand?

    For the Lg vu, I was wondering if anyone could give me a direct link to a website please. I don't really understand what a mod is either so can you tell me. I just heard of a way for you to make your phone work like an iphone...?
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    how do you delete songs off a ipod nano? ?

    i go to my i tunes and click on my ipod and my songs wont come up so i can delete them. What do i do? i need help!
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    Random acts of kindness.... is it because I'm pregnant or because of the Holidays?

    probably a little of both. people see the belly and know there is a baby. and they know the season, and the cold weather. and jus tlike to be nice. Count your blessings.
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    what can cause you to throw up blood?

    My step mother-in-law said about a week ago, she got sick and started vomiting blood for about 2hrs. she didn't go to the doctor even though I told her she should, but I'm just curious as to what can cause you to vomit blood?
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    GPU and PSU conundrum: 4870 manufacturers?

    I'm choosing between a Hightec 4870 1gb and a ASUS Radeon 4870 1gb. Which one would be better to run games? Any benchamrks or links provided will be very helpful. Also, i've been advised on using a Hytec 600W ATX Power Supply, is this good and/or adequate? My rig: MainboardGA-EP45-UD3P...
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    What's your celeb Fantasy?

    Basically that ^^ It doesn't have to be sexual, it can, it doesn't matter. Any kind of fantasy, lol. Mine is of Robert Pattinson and we are in a car, and I'm sitting on his lap, and we kiss and it's just like heaven. LOL, no matter how weird it is share it! Who's your fav celeb? What's your...
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    did the cast of twilight?

    is it true that the cast of twilight already signed a contract to make new moon?