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  1. F

    I need help burning a dvd disc.?

    I have a dvd/cd burner on my desktop but when I put a dvd in the tray it tells me there is no disc in the tray. Is there a setting somewhere I should know about to tell the system that I do have a dvd burner? If that's not the answer, what is the problem and how do I fix it?
  2. F

    Poll pink rooksie survey: I wonder if I can ask you to this old fashioned way..?

    Awww Bless he'll love it !! someone hassling your Q's Mags ??? FFS for mine and I Love her very much too xx
  3. F

    Why arn't children a priority in this country anymore? After all arn't they

    I think you have a point but financial melt down is preventing them thinking about other things at the moment his opinion polls are rising due to this so he is focusing on it .... sad but true ... after this is over then he'll get on another "public" concern issue
  4. F

    When was the last time you had to call for a tow truck....?

    LOL Whoops !! a couple of years ago after me accident I had to et car towed Asap as it had company name on it
  5. F

    Do you have a old fashioned cole fire?

    They are great and the glow they give a room is s o much more than a gas one can manage even with the fake coals
  6. F

    Do you have a old fashioned cole fire?

    They are great and the glow they give a room is s o much more than a gas one can manage even with the fake coals
  7. F

    Survey:: When did you last go on a boating lake ? for some reason they called me in =(
  8. F

    Do you think he ought to perhaps get the boat to Jersey..;.?

    Toast and LMAO !! you as bad as each other ..... I think he should !
  9. F

    What religion might my neighbours be? Do they believe I'm a God?

    omfg !! roflmao ! yup I would say they do .........
  10. F

    Survey :: When did you last do a treasure hunt ?;_ylt=AtY7L8qKX6onUh.TsXF8rAMgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20081125153420AATPmnU
  11. F

    Of all the CE regulars, whose autobiography* would you most like to read?

    ARRRGH I left P&S ...*shudder*... hmmm WellI don't know many CE guys .... I would say Scotch Mist and Oms ... I only know them but like their humour
  12. F

    Survey:: Why would my co-worker complain about me ? do you think he dislikes my picture ?
  13. F

    Survey...Which so called celebrity ..?

    uhmmmmmmm .... not tat clued up on Celeb's as you know from my last answer lol ... I would suggest maybe uhmmmmmmmm whats his name does the stars horoscope thingy ..... russel something
  14. F

    Survey...Which so called celebrity ..?

    uhmmmmmmm .... not tat clued up on Celeb's as you know from my last answer lol ... I would suggest maybe uhmmmmmmmm whats his name does the stars horoscope thingy ..... russel something
  15. F

    If you could time travel, where would you like to go?

    1976 and tell my Dad to throw sicky and not fly that day =(
  16. F

    Is Lexus a good name for a baby girl?

    I like the name Harley Lexus personally
  17. F

    Survey:: Do you consdier the dangers of internet dating ? Maybe you should ........... ....... ummmmmmmmmm .....
  18. F

    Are you a good gossip target ?

    Nope not at all !!
  19. F

    I cant help but to think/stress about my future even though I am only a sophomore in

    Well, if you get your masters you could work in Dallas, Texas in Highland Park, Texas ~ Highland Park area ~ they pay better then most schools You won't have an issue finding a job unless you live in a small town then sometimes that makes it a bit harder