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  1. B

    In the Bible, does God crack jokes? Indeed, does he have a sense of humor?

    No, I'm not looking for smart-alek answers about platypuses or the pits in avacodos being too big. Any answers like that will not be considered for best answer. We've already heard enough of that (and right now, I don't have a sense of humor for such things ; ) Anyway, what I'm really...
  2. B

    Is it true that 80% of all karate abilities come from the stomach muscles?

    Is it true that, if you are going to be an effective karateka, you must have strong stomach muscles? If stomach muscles are not 80% of ability, then what percent (roughly)?
  3. B

    Why was it so profound when Will Rogers said "I never met a man I didn't like"?

    Why was it so profound when Will Rogers said "I never met a man I didn't like"? Was he the first person to say this or something? If not, then what's so profound about it?
  4. B

    Are Muslims able to laugh at themselves as much as other groups of people?

    Maybe among themselves, they tell jokes about themselves as much as any other group of people. But are they able to make fun of themselves in public in front of other groups, for example, in the tradition of Victoria Jackson...
  5. B

    Why is the Liberty Bell important in US history? No Wikipedia answers please.?

    Of course I could look this up myself, but what I want to know is if any US citizens already know, without looking it up, why the Liberty Bell is so important. What important event(s) is involved with the Liberty Bell?
  6. B

    Why is the Liberty Bell important in US history? No Wikipedia answers please.?

    Of course I could look this up myself, but what I want to know is if any US citizens already know, without looking it up, why the Liberty Bell is so important. What important event(s) is involved with the Liberty Bell?
  7. B

    If you are former military, are there any interesting stories you have to tell

    about what your government does? Usually, when I meet someone from the military, they will have some story to tell about something they were ordered to do which seems very far-fetched. For example, one guy told me that he was in a helicopter and saw that his superiors were threatening to throw...
  8. B

    Has history proved that Freud's theories on dream interpretation are correct?

    More specifically, is it true that dreams are the "royal road to the unconscious"? Has this been found to be true?
  9. B

    Has history proved that Freud's theories on dream interpretation are correct?

    More specifically, is it true that dreams are the "royal road to the unconscious"? Has this been found to be true?
  10. B

    What does it mean in your dream if you can't run because you can't build up

    enough speed? You know, when your legs are just too heavy and you can't get momentum.
  11. B

    In the future, will all personal religious beliefs simply be a pick-and-choose...

    ...buffet of many religions? We used to use the term "Whitman Sampler" to describe a hodge-podge of many different varieties. Will future religious beliefs be one of these samplers for each individual? Will people just pick and choose from all the religions to find a mixture that suits them...
  12. B

    Recurring Dream About School.?

    I'll have to presume that you're young enough to supposed to be going to school. So then, it seems that your little sister and her friends represent your id (I'm giving you Freudian terms - the "id" represents your basic, primitive desires), your family friend represents your superego (your...
  13. B

    Regarding the assassination of the Hamas leader in Dubai, was the lone women...

    ...involved in this a honeypot? If you look at the pictures of the 11 suspects, one of them stands out as a particularly attractive female. Was she used as a lure to get the guy into a vulnerable position?
  14. B

    Dream Interpretation 2 questions in one?

    In your life, there must have been some very deep violation of your person-hood. You have felt that the very essence of who you are has been attacked, and that you are helpless to defend yourself. Ask yourself when you have felt helpless lately, and see if that doesn't fit your dream.
  15. B

    What is a professional term for "blowing smoke up my a**"?

    If you're boss tells you that there's going to be a major restructuring of the company and that everyone will be doing twice as much work for less pay, then he tells you that the bright side is that this restructuring means that we will start using more simplified forms, we might say that he is...
  16. B

    For Blacks - Are you tired of white people saying "What are you

    complaining about - look at Obama"? Are you frustrated with white people thinking that all the racial problems are solved because Obama has been elected?
  17. B

    Are male reporters allowed in female locker rooms?

    I believe that female reporters are allowed in male locker rooms. What about the reverse? Is this allowed?
  18. B

    Is it correct to presume that all cultures of the USA will recognize all

    celebrities equally? Is there a danger in presuming that all celebrities are known equally to all ethnic groups? For example, there was once an Egyptologist who spoke about how some of his students claimed that Cleopatra was black. In the midst of his explanations, he mentioned Elizabeth...
  19. B

    Who remembers the rest of those taco fast-food restaurants, besides Taco

    Bell, from the 1970's, ie Taco Viva? Nowadays, all we remember is the eventual victor, which is of coarse Taco Bell, but do you remember when, originally, Taco Viva was more popular and considered the likely favorite to win? Not only that, but there were many other contenders that all sprung up...
  20. B

    Is your home decorated in a post-modern style, or have you ever met anyone

    whose home is? Or, have you ever even met anyone who owns a piece of post-modern furniture?