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  1. M

    Hey Jets fans! Now that one of your coaches was caught cheating, you

    HUGE difference between an individual staff member doing something bone-headed and getting punished for it by the team itself and an entire organization systematically cheating and having to have the league step in and do something. You're basically comparing a single Irish thief to the Italian...
  2. M

    Florida vs LSU what are your predictions?

    With Tebow: Florida wins 35-24. Without Tebow, LSU wins 35-24.
  3. M

    Who should I start in week 3 of fantasy football 2009 Matt Schaub or Tom Brady?

    I'm going to have to disagree. If I had a dollar for every time I benched a superstar because they had one bad week or was playing a alleged bad match up... and had it come back to bite my sorry butt, I would be RICH. If I have Brady on my team, he is playing every single game.
  4. M

    Just watching Beatles film Help. Humor is really forced & pathetic. It feels so...

    Well, first of all, everyone KNOWS it is amateur and forced. That is the charm of it. You're taking it way too seriously. Secondly, it is almost universally agreed upon that Help! is not as good as their first film. So it is not like people think it was Oscar-worthy or anything. Thirdly, the...
  5. M

    Can a vacation crush actually last?

    Can? Yes. Will? Well, that is an entirely different question. The secret to long-distance relationships is this: the "long distance" part has to be temporary. Can you conceive of a logical way that you two can actually be together sometime in the reasonably near future? If so, then why not give...
  6. M

    What topic do you find interesting about US history prior to 1876?

    You've got the two most important wars in our history that you could literally write a 10,000 page paper on: the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. Take your pick!
  7. M

    Which American car should I get? Toyota Camry or Honda Accord or Nissan...

    I can't speak for these cars, but my Honda Civic was constructed in New Jersey. I imagine they make Accords there, too.
  8. M

    What was that movie called?

    Donnie Darko
  9. M

    why would a guy out of the blue just say he's not interested when his behavior

    The more likely possibility is that you want him to be interested so much you are badly misinterpreting his behavior and looking for "signs" that are not really there. Most guys that say they are not interested mean this-- they are not interested. That is not to say your theory can't be true...
  10. M

    1992 Honda Prelude Problems?

    Well, it depends. Let your circumstances be your guide. Can you afford to buy something more expensive or make payments on something newer? If not, shop around. Can you find a better car for $700 - $800? If not, time to get working on fixing it! Good luck!
  11. M

    Why is there so much stigma with sexuality in the U.S?

    Sex is power. It is ultimately a political power struggle under the guise of cultural interpretations of morality and sex. Currently there is a specific ideological group wielding the majority of power in the country, and new modes of sexuality represent new ideologies that threaten to take...
  12. M

    What religion am i? I am so confused!?

    My advice? Stop listening to your brother, because he is obviously biased and will lead you away from the "force" you believe in. Rather, go discuss this with the leaders in your religion and find out what exactly is going on. Don't make a decision on ignorance. Learn about your religion, THEN...
  13. M

    jay cutler for tony romo, how about it?

    I don't think Dallas is that stupid. Think about it-- if Cutler can't handle simple business without being a big, whiny baby... how is he going to handle "the big game?" The Cowboys won't be getting any better making that trade. No way.
  14. M

    jay cutler for tony romo, how about it?

    I don't think Dallas is that stupid. Think about it-- if Cutler can't handle simple business without being a big, whiny baby... how is he going to handle "the big game?" The Cowboys won't be getting any better making that trade. No way.
  15. M

    Was Lincoln the first dictator of the United States?

    Do you even know what a dictator is? A dictator is an elected official who takes totalitarian control over the nation that elected him. If your argument that he was not the President of the south is true, then by definition he was not a dictator. That said, the Southern states ratified a little...
  16. M

    What is ur take on religion??????????? this is mostly christian belief though?

    My take is this: too many people come on here criticizing and stereotyping religion when they don't really understand it, and too many people come on here pushing their religion when no one wants to hear it. In the end, both sides are the same: ignorant hypocrites who are really no different...
  17. M

    Would evidence of intelligent life on other planets discredit Organized Religion?

    Nope. That is an argument from subtraction, which is a fallacy. I, for one, am a Christian and I believe there is likely intelligent life on other planets. Why not? Nothing in most organized religions even contends with this issue, because it is completely irrelevant to religion.
  18. M

    Why Does Everyone Think That Islam Is a Wrong Religion?

    "Everyone?" I know lots of people who don't think this. I, for one, have nothing against Islam. That said, the idea that Islam has not changed over time is flat out wrong. Heck, there are TWO dominant branches of it!! That, by definition, implies CHANGE! In the end, your question turns back...
  19. M

    The Liberal Daily Show?

    I guess you haven't been watching much lately. Obama has been a target virtually every night since he got elected. In any case, if you're looking for some conservative bias, just go on over to Fox News. That is what they are there for.
  20. M

    JFK Conspiracy: Fact vs. Fiction.?

    I am going to have to call that 9 big, fat NO's. I'll tell you, dude, if Kennedy himself came back from the dead and told us what happened, people would still make crap up and call it a conspiracy. Pretty much everything you show above is speculation, at best, and in some cases is just plain...