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  1. S

    Do prisoners in British jails get internet access?

    Lets hope he gets his own spine snapped.
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    Will People Watch Live Footage Of The CERN Experiments?

    If you're interested you can watch the live feeds of there experiments here
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    Did Nostradamus Predict That Stephys Party Would Be The Cause Of The End Of The

    World? I think everybody needs to calm down already. Bouncers have been hired to deal with any gatecrashers, the neighbours informed, and the police are on standby.
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    The Older A Woman Gets Do Her Feminist Ideals Go Out The Window?

    A lot of women usually the younger ones don't like being called derogatory names like "stuff", "fluff", and "bird" but as she gets older are women more accepting of these demeaning terms because they look on it as that they can still attract men?
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    Why Do Some Assume That You Must Be Jealous If You Criticise The Obscene Amount...

    ...Of Money Spent On One Wedding? Being a humble and down to earth modest person I just find such extravagance distasteful in the extreme when you consider how many children in the World are impoverished malnourished and starving to death. I obviously have different priorities and principles...
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    At What Point Do Fat People Think That They Are Fat?

    Would you not think that in this supposed self-conscious and weight aware society we now live in that people would realise when they are getting fat and address the issue with either a diet and/or fitness regime alteration before it gets out of control? You don't just wake up one morning having...
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    was it chitting or chatting?

    It was actually chit chatting.
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    Should Clinton Be Obama's Vice President?

    After all she has done against him at last she is throwing in the towel (months too late if you ask me). And before answering remember she landed under sniper fire in Kosovo.
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    What's the problem on Current Events?

    Too many Fannys in this category. ||edit|| GC DONT GO THERE!!!!