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  1. D

    Motorola Phone wont charge?

    I have a Motorola Citrus (sucks, I know) and as of last night it wont charge. I plugged it in with 5% battery left, and let it charge all night like I normally do, and I woke up this morning and it was still at 5%. I have been fiddling with it and now it's at 15% but it wont charge past that at...
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    Call of duty blops 2 error fix anyone?

    Error During Instillation: Unhandled exception caught. Anyone know a fix. I just wanna play a game I payed 80$ for.
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    Should I make a facebook?

    I'm on the fence at the moment. I used to have a facebook, but I deleted it. I'm thinking about making one again, but only adding a few people (not that i added random people before, I'm a little smarter than that). I'm a little stuck because I don't think I'd use it that often, and a lot of...
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    When you do Martial Arts, how long would it take to lose weight?

    I'm female, 5"10 and weigh around 75 to 85 (size 12 to 14), so I'm average and tall. I plan to work out 3 times a day stretched within the week in the morning, start to only drink water, I've always walked to get to places and TRY (but could give and take since I''m below the means) eating less...
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    Why do women complain on their husbands cheating when it's their own fault?

    I do not condone cheating at all, its a horrible thing to go through. But you're right.....people cheat because they are missing something. If you're not giving your man attention, or have let yourself put on weight, then you become unattractive. Theres always a reason..............and the...
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    What would be a good way to greet my husband comming from home from work?

    What about....... 'Hi How was your day?" Not sure what you're lookin' for here......
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    Anyone Novels/Movies/Comics on the Grim Reaper's Daughter?

    Cursed imagination. Actually, it's the FaceBook quizzes that are to blame, but I wanted to know if there's quite a few books or movies (comics included, I suppose) on the Grim Reaper's daughter or child that have been professionally published? I like to stay original and I want to know this...
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    If I am happy, but have only been in one serious relationship, should I...

    Your logic is flawed. If you are happy with him then why would you want to date anyone else? Asking him for a break to date other people is only going to hurt your boyfriend and put doubt in his mind. You also risk losing him completely by asking him this, it could blow up in your...
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    holiday greeting cards with kids post-divorce?

    I think saying "Hey we kicked him outta here" completely tacky and uncalled for. You should just send a Holiday card from the 3 of you, without any mention of your ex husband at all.
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    What is the best way to teach a child how to ride a bike?

    I only worked at teaching my oldest son how to ride his bike. The other ones I let teach themselves. That is definitely the way to go. They need to have a good sense of balance before they are ready. I had one that taught himself when he was 4 and one that just taught himself over the...
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    Music in Gossip Girl new episodes preveiw?

    If you have watched the cw lately there is a Gossip Girl commercial showing clips of the new episodes coming on March 16 and there's this song playing and I really like it so if any of you know what it is please tell me!
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    Numbness in face and back of head?

    A little over a week ago, my face began getting the pins and needles feel to it. This has spread to the back of my head, as well and seems to be concentrated in the lower left portion of my head (behind my ear). I went to the doctor and he has run tests, but in the meantime put me on Lyrica to...
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    Is Obama a celebrity?

    A BIG celebrity.
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    Creation museum a success: Anybody else disturbed?

    This is regarding the recent news article in yahoo: Example exerpt: "One display shows humans coexisting with dinosaurs - despite the two species being separated by 65 million years in most science texts. " Are they trying to go back to the Dark Ages?
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    How serious are long-term headaches?

    My mom is dealing with this really bad headache for the last week, she has been dealing with stress which I obviously know is a factor to it but still it is like a chronic thing. I am really scared for her, could it be just a simple headache due to stress or is it something else?
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    Why won't my 2gb microSD card allow me to take up more than 634mb of space?

    I bought a new phone last week - a Nokia 6300 upgrade - which I primarily bought for the MP3 player. The card that came with it only has 128mb of memory so I bought a 2gb card that came with an adaptor and USB reader. I started copying tracks onto it (MP3s from iTunes) and all was going well...
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    when do they start selling tickets to the dc games. (2009)?

    i wanna go next year and i didn't know when you could get them also...where do you get them?
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    Breaking Dawn theory?

    I want to know yours. But if you think that he is going to imprint on Jessica or Angela then it cant happen, sorry. He already see them when they go down to La Push (Sp? Haha not sure if thats it). So he would have already imprinted on her if it was going to happen. =] What do you think will...
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    I want to ask about the kind of wires which are used in wireless internet... lap tops? that is to say I want to buy a mobile phone has the same internet of the lap top and not the GPRS because I have a Free wireless internet and I want to use it in a mobile phone Please help me in that