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    Scientists' views on religion?

    big bang is about origin of universe evolution is about hum life forms how we reached present stage from small bacteria.both are different things.scientist may have faith in god but not everybody.
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    Sattelite directly above a city?

    Geosynchronous satellites are used by telecommunication companies for the past many years and they are real. The change of position is negligible over the working life of satellite and they do their job well.
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    Sattelite directly above a city?

    Geosynchronous satellites are used by telecommunication companies for the past many years and they are real. The change of position is negligible over the working life of satellite and they do their job well.
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    How many miles does the Earth travel in its orbit around the Sun?

    Earth travels around29.5 kilometers per second around Sun.This can be calculted by knowing that the radius of the circle is150 million kilometers from which we can calculate the circumference of the circle.divide this by year dayxhoiursx a year.
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    Sattelite directly above a city?

    Geosynchronous satellites are used by telecommunication companies for the past many years and they are real. The change of position is negligible over the working life of satellite and they do their job well.
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    does the earth travel faster in winter or summer? and how did this affect...

    The kelpers law state the relation between distance and speed. When a planet is near Sun,it travels fast. It has no relation with summer or winter.In January Earth is near to Sun,Only in northern hemisphere we have winter then.
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    Questions on saturn? please answer all.?

    Due to spin. center portions bulge out few kilometers thick Galileo discovered rings but he told it has ears as telescope was not powerful to show full rings Cassini Titan Saturn's largest and 2nd biggest n Solar system Ganimeade satellite of Jupiter
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    How many satellites are in space?

    From 1957, many countries sent satellites to earth orbit and many got the orbit decayed after several years.. May be Nasa keeping count of them. Exact number may be more than 3000!
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    approx. what is the azimuth and altitude of the planet venus located two-thirds of

    To ell you the answer, we need your geographical location latitude/longitude and time
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    approx. what is the azimuth and altitude of the planet venus located two-thirds of

    To ell you the answer, we need your geographical location latitude/longitude and time
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    Shutting up moon landing conspiracy theorists...?

    No telescope can show the LEM used by the astronauts in Apollo missions.Those doubt it , have to go to moon and check themselves to see the left over items, the moon buggy,laser reflector, base of LEM etc....
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    slogan for the planet saturn?? its for my project...?

    Most baeutifull planet floats on water!
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    Is it possible to put a satellite in orbit around the moon? ?

    Two satellites one by China and one by Japan is already in orbit around moon just now! An Indian satellite is about to take off soon!
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    How does solar energy travel through space to Earth?

    B radiation is the only way energy can travel through vacuum of space.