Search results

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    Did you buy lots of Dvd today with all the deals?

    I finally got The Simpsons Season 10 for 13.99 at Target.
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    Which MLB Player would you invite for Thanksgiving dinner? For Non Baseball...

    Tino Martinez he's one cool cat in my book!
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    Poll: Worst celebrities in your opinion?

    Which celebrities in your opinion have no business being on the spotlight?
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    Anyone here gonna pick up the new Iced Earth album?

    The Crucible of Man: Something Wicked Part 2 it's coming out this Tuesday. Randy K I see you got a new user name.
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    Bands with similar style to Divine Heresy?

    The Ocean Mnemic
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    In your opinion who are the most overrated celebrities?

    Feel free to list as many as you want everyones getting a thumbs up. I strongly agree with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt how many hit movies have they had lately. I also agree with Jessica Alba The Eye is one of the worse movies I ever saw. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Angelina Jolie...
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    Do you find it weird that a 13 year old likes American History X?

    I don't think it's weird at all, it's a good movie, at it teaches people about racism.
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    Which celebrity do you hate the most?

    Barry Bonds because he's cheater for using steroids. I don't hate Jessica Alba but will somebody please stop giving her movie roles she can't act.
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    What are some good songs that i can use as a ringtone?

    I have The Cult's She Sells Sanctuary as my current ringtone.
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    What celebrity would you be least likely to want to marry if given the...

    Lindsay Lohan she is just a train wreck.
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    What would happen if Cannibal Corpse met The Jonas Brothers?

    Alex Webster would beat up all three of them with his bass guitar then he would write a song about it called The Mutilation of The Jonas Sisters! MQ: Green Jelly- Three Little Pigs