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  1. S

    Would you consider this cruise value for money ?

    And at the same time, strangely in the some of the same countries they are visiting, a child closes their eyes and slips into oblivion through hunger
  2. S

    Is it possible to link an Iphone 4 to automatically sync Contacts & Events

    when connecting....more? .....the Iphone4 by USB to a laptop running Itunes ( I'm a new user of Itunes)? Email is on a address (the remote picking up of emails on the Iphone is already working well) with the standard btinternet desktop application which comes when upgrading with...
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    UK: It's often said that bad things happen in 'threes' - predictions please

    for Gordon Brown's next failure? 1) He failed to save the world at Copenhagen - '50 days to save the world' 2) He failed in his appeal to save the life of a British citizen in China 3) ??????????
  4. S

    UK: Ladies and gentlemen - "Roll up! Roll up!" Your guesses please in the...

    UK: Ladies and gentlemen - "Roll up! Roll up!" Your guesses please in the... Climate Change Lotto game? As we know from past performances our Prime Minister gets very 'cash happy' when he goes to major conferences (he seems to forget that it is money raised by taxation). Usually it goes...
  5. S

    UK: Has Gordon Brown missed a golden opportunity to show his his green credentials?

    According to reports Gordon Brown (and no doubt a group of acolytes and the Press) will be flying to the Copenhagen Climate Summit in December (private charter?) Why? Has he not heard of the high-speed Channel Link and the Channel Tunnel. Haha YA suggested the following categories...
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    UK: If the predicted VAT reduction is made this afternoon who is going to pay for ?

    1) all the changes to be made to the tills at all shops 2) all the advertising posters/price tickets etc. Won't the cost of all these changes of re-pricing exceed the benefits and therefore the cost be passed on to the consumer?
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    UK: So now the Police are now asking for a change in the law that they originally...

    ...supported? Police plea over new drinking laws. It really doesn't seem so long ago that the police were supporting the proposed change in the 'drinking laws' using the argument that the relaxation...
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    "Well" thought Gordon Brown. "That was a fine holiday - what's to do?"

    "Well" thought Gordon Brown. "That was a fine holiday - what's to do?" Now he's back what do you think he his first actions will be?
  9. S

    Has this UK ex-MP (who is now a Judge!) unwittingly just explained the...

    ...problem with UK politics today? Sir Ross told the court that he could not remember the press release and that an MP’s vote did not necessarily amount to an expression of a passionate personal belief. So what does an MP's vote amount to? This Judge must have been telling the truth in court...
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    As all MPs are now on an extended holiday will we see a dip in their 'expenses'?

    Or as they will be away from their 'other home' in London at their 'home' in their constituency will their expenses be allowable. Maybe they are on a 'fact-finding tour'?
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    Has Ms Anne Widdecombe let the cat out of the bag about the true meaning of

    politics to a politican? In an unguarded moment Ms Anne Widdecombe said in a newspaper article 'That is what politics is - a kaleidoscope of shifting alliances. Let's face it, Denis Skinner and I could drink on some issues!' Or maybe her animal passions ran away with her! I naively thought...
  12. S

    Why is an issue that was very important last year not important this

    year according to politicians? Global warming issues at the G8 conference. How are people supposed to take issues seriously if the politicians of the world cannot reach agreement amongst themselves. They're confused, therefore...
  13. S

    Imperial College ditches A levels and sets its own entrance exam? (UK Q)?

    Amazing! More information Still I suppose that will stop the UK Government attempting to change the education system again! Excellent timing of this release of information - just after the exam season. I should think that...