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  1. W

    handheld whisk vs electric hand mixer?

    This is a hand mixer...
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    Senior Citizens, what do you like to do for recreation if you're feeling up to it?

    I like to cook for myself, not for others. I like gardening, growing stuff. I still like keeping up with fashions. I like to watch TV, it puts me to sleep so quickly. lol Oh and yeah, I like to log on to Y/A. I go from one thing to another, there's...
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    How can I get my DVD disc to play? I can get it all the way to "play," and...

    How can I get my DVD disc to play? I can get it all the way to "play," and... ...can't get beyond that point.? My son can get it to play but he's left 'n gone, I won't see him again for ages. It's a Sony DVD Player from Walmart and the TV is a flat screen Samsung. What is it that I don't know...
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    Why do men whine about double standards when they were the ones created them?

    They weren't the ones who created them; their great-great-grandfathers created them. Yes, they were created by the male gender, but the double standards were around for decades before any man living today was ever born.
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    What do you think is a really tasty fish which is healthy but also easy to cook?

    I've just tried Sea Bass which is nice but a friend suggested Basa which I'm getting. What do you think,any suggestions??
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    Do you think reading books makes you slightly smarter?

    I've been told reading books makes you slightly intelligent over time. What's your opinion,do you think it broadens the mind??
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    Why would God create those who would, through "free will", argue against...

    Ah'm sure I don' know. God is God and God can do anything he pleases and not have to answer to anyone... IF he so desires. But he is such a good God, so fair and just, so Holy and Righteous, that there is no fault in him, no flaw, no kind of...
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    How do you select a wine to cook with and how much do they cost ? What is the best...

    Usually a good white wine that costs less than $12.00 will do. Turning Leaf Cabernet Sauvignon is recommended; pick it up at Walmarts. Always use a stainless steel pan to cook with wine, not a black iron skillet. Here's a recipe for Roasted Garlic using...
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    Relationship advice opinions pleaseee?

    This r/s may eventually frizzle out... So, try and learn from it, hon. I'd never go out with a guy I didn't trust or one that was still in love with his ex. So next time around, get to know the guy b/f you commit to him. Also, you have a best...
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    Predictions for the next decade?

    Yeah... it's about time for Tiger Woods to make a fool of himself and ruin his reputation, start losing "endorsement commercials" etc. The U.S. is becoming a "Socialist country." A fascist country? What's heppening to what we used to know as America...
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    Robert Frost - the road not taken interpretation?

    First Stanza – Describes Situation The poem consists of four stanzas. In the first stanza, the speaker describes his position. He has been out walking the woods and comes to two roads, and he stands looking as far down each one as he can see. He would like to try out both, but doubts he could to...
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    My mom is pretty bored everyday, are there any activities or hobbies that I...

    Your Mom should get out of the house during the daytime and visit close friends and relatives. Maybe volunteer her talents and skills. Or get a part-time job.
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    Did you know God has a sense of humor? See this scripture: God sits in heaven...

    God does have a wonderful since of humor. Satan would love you to think he is boring and mean though. I notice that Jesus had to be serious most of the time because he was picked on all the time by the pharisees. We will see God's since of humor when he gets rid of all the evil in the world.
  14. W

    how do you restore your faith in christ when you've lost it?

    Speaking for myself, I would go b/f God and humble myself, repent of straying away from Him, then ask Him back into my heart and life. After you do that, you begin your faithful attendance to Church services, fellowship with other believers, and regular...
  15. W

    Major bedtime battles, my toddler kicks and smashes his walls, screams...

    ...for hours, what to do? He isn't crying for hours, he is screaming at the top of his lungs, kicking the walls, etc...anything to be as loud as possible (while his baby brother sleeps across the hall). He is extremely strong willed, and has been since the day he was born. We have always been...
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    is it healthier to eat nuts raw or roasted?

    Sometimes raw peanuts will make you sick, especially if they are freshly harvested. So they should be roasted, toasted or boiled.
  17. W

    Do you know any good school offering online degree in nutrition?

    Hi, I'm planning to switch from being a software engineer to fitness trainer. I'm planning to take the necessary certification but I would also like to have a formal education in nutrition.I'm currently working abroad and considering studying online because I have to keep my job for the...
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    What cha think 'bouth this Russian professor, Igor Panarin and his USA predictions?

    He is predicting the US will divide up into 4 sections by the year 2010. Read the article on him in the news... I first heard about this on the Glenn Beck TV show when he was still over at Headline News. The...
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    Im going to hug a crush from behind as a greeting ... wat should i say wen i hug him

    Most guys don't like those kind of surprises... it's too much!
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    What's the monetary worth of a '94 Dodge Intrepid? It was in perfect running...

    ...condition...? Pick up truck crashed into my rear end while I'm sitting at the traffic light. It is drivable I think, but hood is crinkled up and probably the tail lights are all broken up. What say you?