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  1. S

    I need people opinions about religion please?

    yes . NO ONE will go to heaven or hell till after the Battle for control between Lord God and God Satan has been won . and the winner will inherit heaven and make it as they see fit . this is what the bible says but i look forward to the thumbs down .
  2. S

    If evolution is a religion, does that make gravity a religion?

    as long as it is something you must obey . then yes . after all . you cant fly .
  3. S

    Isn't a person's religion simply the result of where they were born and what

    that is laim . that is like saying that someone that has a better life due to means is a better person and someone that is in poverty is a criminal . I see which side you are on and you should be ashamed of yourself
  4. S

    Which religion is most against 'outsider' marriage?

    Roman Catholic . they believe that to be a true Christian you must inbreed .
  5. S

    How do I start a religion?

    first you have to go to the governmental law . they decide on if it is a valid religion . otherwise it is just Haracy . Christianity was made a legal religion many years after the murder of jesus