Search results

  1. L

    a job for the future ...please tell me?

    well , im 14 now and i really want to know what job i would be good at to go to college for . my mother is opening a resale shop and i`m going to work there like hanging clothes up and stuff. i really like the idea of running my own shop but i have no idea what kind of shop. i like clothes and...
  2. L

    What benefits can we get out of space travel?

    The benefits need to relate to, but aren't limited to, weather monitoring, disease prevention, or climatic research. Also, if you could give me article link (I have to write a research paper and am having a hard time finding articles) so I can print it out and cite stuff. I'll best answer the...
  3. L

    help please my lg rumor touch!?

    well i have a lg rumor touch and i tried ventones n it said its 9.99 a month and soo it didnt work n myxer doesnt work either i really need a site that downloads or sends ringtones on my lg FREE plz someone help me and give me sites that WILL work for FREE !! thanks hurry! oh and my company is...
  4. L

    free movie sites???anyone?

    i need a free no virus movie site where i can watch movies any ideas??
  5. L

    POLL: Do you wish you were younger?

    lmaoooo funny category and yesssss everything was SOOO Much easier. back then i worried about what color i should use to color a pony, or who to find i could play barbies with.. nowwwww permit, license, school, relationships, attitude, acceptence..
  6. L

    Ulead DVD MovieFactory for Toshiba?

    I have a video (.avi) thats 784mb and I have a Disc thats 4.7GB, but when I try to burn the video onto the dvd using Ulead DVD MovieFactory it says that my disc doesn't have enough room?! I didint make a menu or added anything fancy, it was just my video and my new disc, why's it taking up so...
  7. L

    Divx player won't work?

    I downloaded and installed Divx on my mac. But whenever I go to watch something on websites like or it says that I don't have the Divx player installed.
  8. L

    Tohru Honda cosplay help D:?

    Okay, so I'm doing a Tohru Honda cosplay from Fruits Basket and I actually have NO idea what I should get. I know I need fabric, but what kind? Do you think I could just buy a pleaded skirt somewhere and just dye it? HALP D:
  9. L

    What photoshop do magazines use?

    Basically i want to make myself look better in pictures!Lol What one would be best? Do you need to do a course to use photoshop?
  10. L

    help with my fingernail?

  11. L

    HELP ASAP:my friend got a blackberry curve today from sprint and she has

    internet on it..? she cant find bbm ANYWHERE. its not in any of the icons. idk why its not on her phone. she has the internet browser-she was just on facebook on her phone so the browser works. but the blackberry messenger is no where to be found. please help asap!! first best answer 10 points!!!!!
  12. L

    i have a verizon blackberry curve & i pay for internet..?

    i broke my other bberry curve so they sent me a new one and i got it today, i activated it, went through setup wizard and i cant find the browser anywhere! help first best answer 10 pts
  13. L

    Would you rather have cable or internet?

    internet because what ever is on telly, I'd most likely be able to find it on the internet anyway :D
  14. L

    what does it mean when it says sifted flour or sugar?

    i dont really know what that means and alot of my recipes call for sifted flour and sugar or something like that.
  15. L

    please help im very nervous...scared =[?

    ok so im an 18 year old female ii would geuss that im about 50-60pounds over weight.. well lately my legs have been aching..i dont do much at all.. wake up around 9 or 10 every day get ready then go have lunch w/ my dad and then go 2 my job where i coach volleyball from 3-5 then i come home have...
  16. L

    very worried/nervous H E L P ;[?

    ok ok so im a very worried i worry & stress about everything..ii always think something is wrong with me..i had a slight pain about 2 months ago where ur appendix is and i swore it was gonna burst..never did its fine.. so lately my legs have been hurting..and i am over weight and i...
  17. L

    eee scared...does this make my legs&&back hurt =[?

    so im a college student and i spend a good amount of time on the computer..and i noticed that when i sit on the chair that we have at the computer desk my legs start to hurt i usually sit with one leg under my butt and then switch and when i do this the inside of my thigh area starts to...
  18. L

    Guys..... does a girl always have to be skinny and perfect in every way?

    I am not the prettiest and skinniest girl in school. But I really like this guy, he is one of the jocks and the jocks are only known for going after all the skinny preppy girls. Everyone say we would look cute together, and every says that we were made for each other, I don't exactly know how he...
  19. L

    Isn't it funny that teenage girls believe they can look like the magazine

    I think its sad because photoshop wont and never will become real. It's also sad how teens think that photoshopped images are real and they strive to be like that when it doesn't even exist. But photoshop can do amazing things ;)
  20. L

    HELP ASAP : I have a USB cable for my blackberry curve, now how do I get music

    onto it? HELP ASAP : I have a USB cable for my blackberry curve, now how do I get music onto it? FIRST BEST ANSWER 10 PTS