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  1. Y

    Poll: Are you still awake?

    Im wide awake-katy perry
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    poll: their attractive guys? and why^^
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    poll-Girls get bikini wax for guys?

    hair down there they dont like..
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    On the google Navigation app on the android phone, how do I change the route

    manually? On google maps, you can type directions from A to B and you can literally drag that so you can take another road completely, even if it is NOT in the alternative route suggestions. How do I do that on the phone app for google maps AKA Navigation for my android phone?
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    gi?i PT:(sin2x)^3+(cos3x)^3+1/2sin4x=1?

    ai ?ó gi?i giúp em v?i
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    Poll: Is it possible for you to eat just one chip?

    No. I have to eat the whole bag of chip if it's good. But if the chip taste nasty, then I put it aside.
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    Poll: From these pictures, fo you believe that this guy was a Fighter?

    Because he claim that he used to me a MMA Fighter who used to date this one Korean Actress/Singer name Kim Eugene.^ Also, he is physically handicapped. His* left arm is twisted and paralyze. Which means he use only one hand. His pictures...
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    What do you think of gossip?

    People who gossip have no life.
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    POLL: Do you smoke???

    No. Never & never thinking about it. My Best Friend smokes a lot though. She smoke like 2-3 cigarettes a day.
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    Poll: Have you ever chatted online with a celebrity?

    A while ago on FaceBook, I chatted with one of my favorite Vietnamese-American Singer, Trish Thuy Trang. She is such a very sweet person. I met her in person once & she is such a Sweet-Heart! *Trish Thuy Trang: *Her music video...
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    where can i get easy classic rock piano music for free? Not sure about Babylon Sisters, but the Piano Man is on there.
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    Any suggestions on traveling to Washington D.C.?

    My friend and I are trying to plan a trip to Washington D.C. (We are from Massachusetts). Anyways, I was researching for hotels. The cheapest ones were about $70-$80/night, which were in the outskirts of DC (which I guess safety is an issue around these areas). So from reading the reviews...
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    Who Is Your Favorite Celebrity ? ?

    I have so many favorite celebrities. But anyway, here's a few: *Jennifer Tilly *Britney Spears *Adam Sandler *Kristy Alley
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    myopia and IQ:is there a theory that links myopia to IQ?

    i need a theory on myopia and IQ and can you give me sources guys..thanks a lot or any theory that closest to linking myopia and IQ.
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    Why does my high speed USB 4-port hub freeze?

    So my laptop only has 2 USB ports, so I bought one of those "High Speed USB 4-Port Hub" but everytime when I connect something to it, it always freezes. Is it just too many USB's for my laptop to handle? When I first got it, it worked just fine. So what do you think?
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    xps m1330 bluetooth peripheral device!!!???

    where can i find the bluetooth peripheral device for my xps m1330?? i just bought a motorola s9 headset, and it doesn't work with my computer, because i don't have bluetooth peripheral device installed, but i couldn't find it anywhere.
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    Why did the speakers of my Toshiba Portege M600 stop working?

    The speakers of my Toshiba Portege M600 are not working. They were still working when I installed Skype a few days ago. I can’t remember what exactly I did in Skype to improve the sound, but I suspect it might have cause the problem. I click on Sound > Playback > and highlight the speakers...