Search results

  1. BenM

    was jesus christ against the judaism?

    God wanted to have fellowship with man; that’s why He created man. He tried to have fellowship with man in a sinless fashion. Since man was prone to sin, God called one man (Abram) to follow Him; Abram did, so God continued to work through Him. Abraham and God’s fellowship was supposed to be...
  2. BenM

    Riddle me this, Riddle me that: What has hair, but cannot rap?

    This is not a spiritual question.
  3. BenM

    on youtube ive messaged users now those usernames are on my email videos...

    ...contacts list how do i delete them? from that list?
  4. BenM

    anyone tryna hook me up with a good dubstep torrent?

    need newe music, preferably one that doesnt give me a viruss, really any dubstep
  5. BenM

    is there a site where you can make ringtones and send them straight to you phone

    without internet? i dont have internet and i want ringtones
  6. BenM

    Holding eye contact is an interest?

    Yep she is, prolong eye contact mean the other party is somewhat attractive to you... according to my dictionary OO
  7. BenM

    motorola droid as usb speaker?

    my lap top's audio does not work with speakers or headphone jack.... i want to use my motorola droid cell phone as a usb speaker... usb does work with audio. can someone tell me how this could be done? i dont want to go and pay for new speakers or get this fixed because i'm saving for a new lap top
  8. BenM

    can bell's pausey be caused from delivery?

    No idea what "Bell's Pausey" is, but if you're talking about "Bell's Palsy", then yes, perhaps. It's actually casued by a virus, but the virus is latent until some type of trauma activates it...
  9. BenM

    We got drunk wound up together and now he won't talk to me!?

    *gasp* well he ignore you probably cause he only treat that nite as a one night stand!
  10. BenM

    When will swype be available on the android app store?

    I no you can download it from online onto your phone but it is only a demo.
  11. BenM

    My son went skinny dipping as a joke at our annual family reunion at a fishing

    family resort i found out my? cousins daughter who is 16 was offended by the skinny dipping he was about fifty yards from where she was swimming in the lake her family and her the mom and she were giving my son the cold shoulder the whole week and treating him rudely. the daughter was also...
  12. BenM

    My son went skinny dipping as a joke at our annual family reunion at a... family resort i found out my? cousins daughter who is 16 was offended her mom and she were giving my son the cold shoulder the whole week and treating him rudely. the daughter was also offended when the 20 something cousins were talking about a hbo late night show on the dock. my son...
  13. BenM

    can someone send me some US & canada nintendo point codes?

    i have a list of codes i purchased online but not compatible with my console please email them to [email protected] and i will send you a code in return or send a list of US codes and i will send my list of codes Cheers NEED THEM ASAP P.S. EUROPE CODES I HAVE NEED US CODE FOR US DSi...
  14. BenM

    Final Fantasy Newbie Help!?

    I have never played a final fantasy game in my life, but I would like to try and play one. I have been looking at Crisis Core : Final Fantasy 7 and I could use some help on what to... say...expect in plunging into the final fantasy universe.
  15. BenM

    How Come Nirvana don't tour anymore?

    um mabey because he is DEAD and the others SPLIT. Geeze do u live under a rock or something lol.
  16. BenM

    Nintendo Australia is messing up?

    lately, nintendo australia's website has been messing up. it tries to load and then i get a "problem loading" page. If anyone works for nintendo or knows anything about it please tell me.
  17. BenM

    airplane games for iphone or itouch?

    hi there is a game which i am looking for but i dont know it name. airplanes flying around and you have to make a path to those airplanes to land safely in the runaway, then more airplane coming and you have to land all the planes without a collision, if any of you know the name of this game?
  18. BenM

    How To Use Ipod Touch's Internet In School??

    you need to find a place in the school where wifi works
  19. BenM

    so i have been fly fishing for trout for about 2 years now but i am still not very...

    ...sucessful i need some help? i can cast just fine i am positive that my problem lies with the fly selection i dont know when to use a dry or a wet a streamer or a nymph i am pretty much clueless when it comes to this part of fly fishing so will somebody please set me straight thanks..